Robert Chute

3 Haiku Decks

There are many hitmen

There are many hitmen

10 Slides331 Views

Events, Humor

The Hit Man Series Trilogy is finally released! Get The Divine Assassin's Playbook, Omnibus Edition at Be cool under pressure and get in on the action with the funny, deadly Divine Assassin.

My Story

My Story

17 Slides552 Views


Reasons to write, if you need any. There are many more reasons, but here are a few.

This Plague of Days

This Plague of Days

7 Slides1331 Views1 Haifive


This Plague of Days by Robert Chazz Chute is the only zombie apocalypse with an autistic hero. It's an end of the world story for smart, paranoid people. Season 3 is unleashed Spring, 2014.