"Taylor, it’s beautiful, you should be proud to own it, and I feel honored to be able to experience it."
With those words, Taylor’s face relaxes visibly, but his cock experiences the opposite reaction, bumping up even higher, wider, and harder than ever. Hera gives Taylor’s body a thorough gaze, concluding "The rest of your body’s gorgeous too. Tethys has told me what a great guy you are, so you’re obviously blessed with looks, brains, and character."
"And cooking skills too, I hope," I interrupt. "I’m not trying to break up this special encounter, lover, but what’s for dinner?"
Hera releases her grip on his cock, walks up to me and gives me a big hug. She’s beaming. Taylor is bright red, but his smile is pretty big, too.
"Well, you didn’t say who our dinner guest was, man or woman, naked or clothed, carnivore, omnivore, or herbivore, so I kind of had to wing it. There’s a pinto bean chili here in a quinoa gravy base, with ground beef on the side, which can be added in optionally, stir fried collards in olive oil, sweet potatoes, and a salad of bock choy, sweet beets and red lettuce with boiled eggs on the side, optional of course, and a peanut sauce dressing. Oh, and, um… chocolate chip cookies."
"Damn, mister, you’ve been hanging out with Henri on the side when I’m not looking, haven’t you!" Henri is the lover I see least often, he’s a master chef, a restaurant owner, and a very busy man. He’s also Sonia’s main partner.
"I have to admit he’s an inspiration," Taylor shrugs.
The meal is delicious, made even more so by the state of cheerful nakedness we share. The conversation is free-flowing, even though the drink consists solely of tea or coffee. Hera abstains completely from alcohol, which surprises me given her seeming adoption of so much of the Mediterranean tradition, not to mention the casual presence of marijuana in her house.
"What can I say, I love coffee!" she explains. "And alcohol just dulls my senses, I find I’m far more erotic and orgasmic without it."
"That works for me," smiles Taylor, and Hera responds quickly. "It will!"
Hera and Taylor are quickly warming to each other, and I’m glad to be part of it. They are finding a lot in common. Taylor has never thought of himself as artistic, although I’ve reminded him often that the kind of software development he does requires a lot of creative imagination. He appreciates art, and talent, and he’s always been enthusiastic about my work. He’s intensely interested in Hera’s ceramics, and it’s clear that she enjoys telling him about it. But, as I’ve come to learn about her, she will always, eventually, steer the conversation back towards her favorite topic, sex.
"My art has always had sort of erotic undertones," she nods, after a digression about the difficulty of sculpting clothing compared to bare skin. "I’ve always preferred to do nudes, and I like having them in at least an implicit sexual context. But I think it’s been getting more brazen lately, and I’m getting tempted to turn it into hard core porn. The idea of porcelain figurines fucking just totally appeals to me! It might just be my own desperation showing. My boyfriend and my girlfriend both broke up with me a couple of months ago, so they could be with each other. It pissed me off. They didn’t want to be polyamorous any more. Well, fuck them! I do. I’ve been so desperate for a man I could just scream. I was almost ready to head down to the park and just drag somebody away, probably some homeless guy. All I’ve had is porn, masturbation, and my dildos. That’s not enough. I’m so grateful for meeting you, Tethys, and I’m so glad you’re not jealous or territorial, or whatever you call it, and I’m sure glad you’re bi!"
I almost recoil at the thought. But it’s true. I’ve never exactly denied it, I’d just never realized it until quite recently. I’m still not used to the idea, and it’s never been presented to me so directly and openly.
"Bi and polyamorous are two words I would never have associated with myself until recently. It wasn’t something I even thought about growing up, although maybe the fact that my favorite porn has always been scenes of group sex should have been a hint. I knew I was polyamorous after I fell for Taylor, but didn’t want to give up Carl. I became even more sure of it when I started seeing Henri. But I wasn’t convinced I was bisexual until yesterday, when I was making love to you. I mean, I’d been with Sonia, but I thought she was an exception, and I enjoyed being with Joanne, but that was in the context of an orgy where anything goes. But you made my heart skip, and I can’t deny it. I’m really turned on by you, and your femininity excites me. So I guess it’s true."
"What about you, Taylor?" Hera redirects the focus. "Are you bi or polyamorous? Are you jealous of Tethys?"
"I’m pretty sure I’m not bi," Taylor chuckles. I have to nod in agreement at that. "Polyamorous? I don’t know. I don’t know how I would know, I’ve never been in a situation that would resemble it. Until now, I guess. Jealous of Tethys?" He gives me a smile that looks almost sad. "Well, yeah, I have to admit that I am. I’ve never said so, though. It’s not resentful or anything, it’s not like I want you to stop seeing your other lovers. I know they’re important to you, and I know your sexual freedom is important to you, and I actually approve of it. I think it’s kind of cool that you’re so confident and independent, and willing to explore your sexuality. I guess I’m jealous because I’m not like that and I kind of wish I was. When you’re spending time with Carl or Henri, I guess I wish it was still me. It’s funny, when I saw you fuck all those people during the orgy it didn’t bother me at all, it was fun to watch. Maybe it’s because I was fucking too, but in a sense I felt like it was something we were doing together. I really like the idea of watching you fuck other people, Tethys, it’s just that I like it to be us that’s doing it.
"But that’s a minor thing, really, I’m not jealous because I wish Tethys was doing something different, I just wish I was doing it too."
It means something that Taylor is revealing feelings he’s never told me about to a near-total stranger. Does Hera have that affect on everyone? On me?
"You can, you know," I remind him, answering his last sentence.
"Fuck yeah," Hera agrees. "With your personality, and your handsome body, and that fabulous dick of yours, there’s no excuse for you to not have a dozen women following you around waiting for Tethys to get out of the way! And I’m one of them goddam it, and if you don’t fuck me right now I’m going to scream. If you DO fuck me right now I’m still going to scream. So take me to your fucking bed and fucking do me. Tethys, help me drag him!"
Taylor does not require dragging. He stands up, his aircraft carrier projecting its impressive flight deck out ahead of him, and Hera stands with him and wraps as much of her hand around it as will reach. I lead them both to the bedroom, and as soon as she walks through the door, she releases Taylor’s cock, runs to the bed and leaps onto it, twisting in midair to land on her back, her legs spread unceremoniously wide, and a fierce look on her face.
Taylor makes to crouch at the foot of the bed to go down on her pussy, but she covers it with one hand and pushes his forehead back with the other.
"Don’t you dare, Motherfucker! I had my foreplay yesterday with Tethys. I want your cock, and just your cock, and all of your cock, NOW! Ram it into me, don’t be fucking timid. Get up here and fuck me, and stop playing fucking games. Hurry the fuck up!"
Taylor does as he’s told, willingly. She’s right, she needs no foreplay, she doesn’t need to lubricate. Her thighs are already dripping, and Taylor’s first thrust splatters slippery droplets everywhere. A wet spot begins spreading directly under her ass. Taylor is making me proud. You’d think he’d need a warm up to go this fast and hard. He’s plunging into her with more authority, more force than he has ever done with me. But I don’t think I’d want it as rough as Hera is taking it now. The impression of frailty I’d had of her at our first meeting is totally gone, she’s a lithe, wiry, sexual demon now. No, I have my spiritual metaphors wrong, it’s not a demon she’s channeling, it’s the Goddess. The Goddess of Passion, the Goddess of Lust, the Goddess of Fierce Unquenchable Desire.
Her legs are splayed out to each side, straight and wide. Her arms are spread wide, her body is rigid, and her eyes are wide open, staring, unfocused. Her gasping creates a punctuated "uh-uh-uh" synchronized with Taylor’s thrusts, and his own exertion emits the same expressions at the same time, in his lower voice. Occasionally Hera’s able to form fragments of not-quite-coherent words – "Fuck… fuck… Oh! God! Fuck! Me! Oh! Love… cock… fuck… more… shit! Fuck!"
Possibly the toughest monologue I have ever written.
For the first couple minutes I do nothing but sit and watch. It’s a mesmerizing sight, beautiful and intense. I feel almost as wet as Hera. I’m torn between the desire to caress Taylor, to climb between his legs and fondle and lick his balls as I get the opportunity, or can catch them in their swinging, pounding flying motion, or to caress his ass and his back, or to stroke and squeeze on Hera as she lays almost unloving on her back. I slide up closer to her head, and reach down to stroke her hair.
Like a snake, she strikes, faster than I can react. Her right hand wraps around the back of my head and pulls it in towards her face. Her left hand grabs my forearm and guides it to her left breast. Her mouth closes over mine, and her tongue reaches deep inside, accompanied by a long, drawn out hungry-sounding moan. I don’t know where she found the breath to hold for this, my lungs feel like they’re about to explode.
She releases me, and her pose shifts. She’s emitting long "aaaaaaahh!" sounds, her legs are drawn up and wrapped around Taylor’s waist, her back folds forward as she wraps her arms around his shoulders. Her eyes close tightly, and she pushes her hips and her cunt upward to meet him with every thrust. This isn’t your average porn movie, where every position is set up to show the detail of cock sliding into cunt. Hera has enveloped Taylor’s lower body, and there isn’t much to see from most angles. Sweat is pouring off both of them, the divine aroma of sex fills the air around us. Hera is literally screaming now, as she’d promised, and for a moment I hope that the neighbors aren’t calling the cops on us. Taylor’s voice changes, the guttural uh-uh-uh is replaced by a low growl, rising in pitch and volume over a few seconds until it’s a full roar, and then cries and yells of release as his cum pulses deep into her.
Hera’s screams turn to sobs, Taylor’s yells to exhausted moans. They lie still, Taylor on top, Hera’s arms and legs still wrapped around him, their bodies slowly relaxing. Both are gasping deeply now, with Hera still crying and sniffling gently. I have never seen anything like it in my life, not even in my raunchiest imagination. It was all so simple – no foreplay, no fancy positions, no skilled cocksmanship, no teasing, no questions or instructions. It was brutal, animalistic, raw, primitive, and overwhelmingly erotic. And now I’m the one feeling twinges of jealousy. Why have I never been fucked like that? Maybe because I’d never thought of it? Maybe I never felt like I needed it? Maybe I will.
With a sigh, Taylor rolls off Hera and onto his back over the damp sheets. The sweat is still running freely. His cock is still mostly hard, with the tip resting on his belly, slathered with the cum of two. Hera makes no move, she seems to be focused on her breathing. It’s my turn to take action. I bend over his cock, and take it into my mouth, sucking in the sweet, salty, musky, heady mixture of two familiar and exquisite tastes. Taylor rolls his eyes back and groans helplessly. His cock clean but still shiny, I spend a moment to savor the taste, then turn my attention to that sacred opening between Hera’s inner thighs. She spasms at the first contact of my tongue onto her inner lips, then reaches a hand down to hold my head in place. "Yesssss!" she hisses, and I lick, suck, and swallow until all the easily obtainable fluid is removed. I sit back to appreciate the view.
Finally, Hera finds her voice. "That, young man, is how you fuck a goddess!" She’s still sniffling a little.
"At least this goddess," Taylor smiles as much at me as at Hera. "That was intense!"
"Are you okay?" I finally have to acknowledge the tears.
"No, not okay," she smiles and blinks. "Far beyond okay, oh it’s sublime! I’ve needed a man for so long, and Taylor is so much more than I imagined. I’ve never had such a cock before, and such a grand fucking. I’m speechless, except I’m talking about it!"
"Hey, I was just following your lead," Taylor interjects. "I’ve never had a woman respond to me like you did."
"And you went with it, didn’t you? You didn’t question me, you didn’t hesitate, you didn’t substitute some kink of your own, and you didn’t hold back. You gave me exactly what I needed and then some, you read me like a book."
"Well, it’s not the hardest book I’ve ever read," laughs Taylor. "It’s more like Jack and Jill than Karl Popper."
Recovery takes about half an hour, several glasses of water, and a trip to the bathroom for each of us. The conversation turns breezy and cheerful, and we three naked people sharing a damp bed laugh and joke while we fondle and touch each other. Eventually, Hera announces that it’s my turn, and she gladly handles all the preliminaries. There’s plenty of foreplay this time around, and the pace is much slower. The fucking is gentler, more leisurely, and more varied. Hera choreographs us like a stage director, but she’s an actor-director. We start out doggy style, so that Hera can lay beneath me, her bald pussy in my face, and her mouth set to sample the exquisite interface between my shimmering cunt and Taylor’s unusual cock. As choreography, it of course must be recorded, and Hera has brought out her phone to catch whatever views she can from her position. Reviewing later, I notice that many of the giggles I heard from her coincided with the times that Taylor’s testicles slid across her nose as they bounced against my pussy lips.
The coverage is spotty, and much of it isn’t well recorded, because Hera can’t record her own orgasms. The phone soon winds up ignored on the bed, and eventually bounces unnoticed to the floor. By then, we have shifted positions, Taylor laying on his back and me riding him in reverse cowgirl style. This gives Hera the same opportunities to run her tongue along that delectable junction of shaft and tunnel. Sometimes she moves down to nip or lick his balls, sometimes up very slightly to do the same to my swollen nub. I float from orgasm to orgasm, none of them particularly intense, but dreamlike, happy, and completely satisfying.
Even Taylor’s ejaculation, when it comes, feels slow and gentle, flowing gently and steadily into me rather than spurting. There’s still plenty of volume though, and Hera laps it up eagerly as it appears, first dripping down his ball sack, and after I slide off, cleaning with her tongue into my opening, and then moving to the seepage still oozing out of the tip of Taylor’s glans. We kiss, and the taste is heady, intoxicating, and relaxing. The sheets are no drier now than they were earlier.
We all seem to simultaneously acknowledge the need for a shower, and it’s fortunate that we’re at Taylor’s place rather than mine, because his is big enough to accommodate the three of us. Before going in, Hera brings up a topic I had considered earlier, but let slide.
"Taylor," she says as if pronouncing a judgment. "Does it ever occur to you that you have two pussies in front of you that always stay freshly shaved and skin-to-skin bare for the pleasure of your experience, yet you hide your own luscious flesh behind a mat of hair? Your cock, and your balls, are just too beautiful not to expose completely to the sensitive kisses and tongues of dainty and fastidious women. I don’t know if Tethys has ever mentioned it to you, but you’d be even more wonderful if you were smooth and accessible."
"I haven’t mentioned it yet, but I had planned on it," I admit, feeling a little chastened, as if I’ve lost an opportunity through delay. I’m not sure how Taylor will respond.
"To tell the truth, I’ve been thinking about it, especially since last Wednesday," he smiles. "I was feeling a little like the odd man out in a crowd of shaven genitalia. I was going to bring it up with Tethys, but being introduced to you kind of reset my thought processes to cave-man levels."
"You wanna?" she looks expectantly between Taylor and I.
"I’d love it!" I nod.
"Actually, I think I would too," Taylor agrees, and our decision is made. Water is expensive in Austin, but this shower is an un-ecological, water-wasting, extended luxurious treat. When we step out, we are all three equally bare, at least on the lower parts of our torsos, we’ve left Taylor’s upper body be.
"Now I have to taste you again," Hera chirps as we again arrive at the tousled sheets. His dick is hard again quickly, but she leaves it to me to take it deep into my mouth, as she kisses, licks, nibbles and sucks around the newly exposed skin of his pubes and scrotum. He’s gasping with pleasure, and I’m not sure how much of the credit I can take for that.
"Switch?" she asks a few minutes later, and I enjoy following her wet slippery trail over his skin. It was a good idea.
"Now you’re going to keep it this way, right?" I ask, or rather mandate, as I finally come up for air.
"I see no reason not to. And plenty of reasons to."
We change the sheets, and warm and dry, climb back into bed together.
"Hera, do you mind if Taylor gives you a ride home tomorrow? It’s my gym and lake day with Carl, and I don’t want to be late. I think Taylor would enjoy the guided tour of your place."
"I’d be happy to do that," Taylor offers. "That’ll also give me a chance to take you to lunch, and maybe have a real conversation?"
"Okay, yeah. Yeah, that would be great," Hera smiles, although she sounds a little hesitant.
"Are you sure?" I press. "You don’t need to do anything that makes you uncomfortable. I’ll be happy to take you home if you’d rather."
"No, really, I want to," she says a little more strongly. "It’s just that it’s been so long since I’ve been alone with a guy, you know, like on a real date. Even when I was seeing Patrick, for most of that time it was always a threesome with Vicki. I think I’m out of practice with normal male-female interactions."
"I’ll be gentle," Taylor grins, and Hera grabs him for a full-on lip-lock kiss. "You can take me home anytime," she coos.
"I just have one requirement," I add. "Before I leave, Taylor has to cum inside me with the biggest and deepest load he can manage. Carl and I have a bit of a kink going about sloppy seconds. He likes to fuck a guy’s cum out of me and replace it with his own. It makes him feel dominant."
"So you keep Taylor’s cum inside you all the way to wherever you meet this guy Carl? Without it leaking out? How the fuck do you do that?"
"Practice, practice, practice!" I laugh. "It did take a while to master that skill. But it’s fun."
"And if Carl likes sloppy seconds, I sure don’t mind giving you fastidious firsts," Taylor chuckles. "Takes all kinds, doesn’t it?"
"Maybe not all kinds, but there’s a few kinds I like," I fondle his cock, and it responds appropriately. "And you’re always one of the few, the proud, the horny."
I sleep very deeply, very calmly, sandwiched between Taylor and Hera. The other two seem to wake up as refreshed and hungry as I do. Our breakfast is large and filling, I like to make omelets, and Hera jumps in willingly to help with cleanup. Taylor’s a perfectly good cook, of course, and he’s more than willing to take part, but Hera and I seem to both have reached an unspoken agreement to keep him in the bedroom. Taylor can entertain himself while we girls make it the way we want to. I’m finding that Hera and I have very compatible approaches to cooking and eating. I’m looking forward to getting to know her better.
A big meal takes a while to settle, and while we relax, we do get to know each other better. Taylor talks about some of his programming projects, and shows us some code. It’s mostly gibberish to me, but I see some patterns, and Hera sees more. She gets a quick lesson in C, and her interest is piqued. It’s not enough to make her change careers, she informs us. Eventually we’re back in bed, and Taylor is most curious about Hera’s clitoral decoration.
"What does it do for you?" he asks. "It’s pretty on you, but can you feel it?"
"Oh yes," she responds. "Sometimes I like to just play with it by myself, and tug it and twist it a little. When I’m masturbating, which is often, I like to keep a steady tension on it while I rub my clit. I noticed you were playing with it last night."
"Well sure, I was mostly flicking it back and forth. It is kind of fun to pull on. But I was a little worried about it getting inside you when we were fucking, and scraping or scratching you."
Hera shakes her head. "Not a problem. The chain itself is smooth, and if it gets inside a little, it’s lubricated, and it’s no more than added ribs. But the little ball on the end of the chain keeps it mostly outside, and the ball itself doesn’t go in."
She’s leaning back on the bed with her legs spread wide to give us a good view. Taylor and I are both leaned in close, fondling it and stroking her labia, clitoral hood, and the decoration itself. She’s getting wet again, and so am I. The breakfast has obviously settled.
The jewelry consists of a small ring that pierces the hood on the right side of her clit, a fine chain extends about an inch beyond it, ending at a small white pearl-like sphere. Even when dry it’s translucent and polished, now, coated with Hera’s juices (and I must admit, saliva from both Taylor and myself), it seems to glow with it’s own light.
"It’s glazed porcelain," Hera sighs, as I pull it to the left for closer examination, while Taylor flicks her clit and the ring with the tip of his tongue. I don’t feel the need to get one for myself, but I do enjoy it on her.
I look down the length of Taylor’s body, and notice his cock is already fully erect. "Are you ready to get filled up by a big manly cock?" I whisper to Hera.
"God fucking yes!, she hisses. "What the fuck is taking you so long!" I drop the chain as Taylor stands up.
"C’mon, big boy," I reach behind his ass and pull him closer to us. "You’ve got a busy morning ahead of you, start servicing your harem!"
Until six months ago, when I met Sonia and Henri, the idea of guiding a man’s cock into another woman’s cunt had never occurred to me as something I would ever do. I’d enjoyed it as a porn fantasy on video, but only to fuel my private solo pleasures. Now I’m beyond being an addition to the adventures of a man and his girlfriend, it’s becoming a normal part of my very abnormal life. Only this week had Taylor, Carl, Henri, Joe, Sonia, and Jo all come together to form a single unit for the sharing of meals, laughter, and precious bodily fluids. It’s looking like Hera is going to make a wonderful addition to our little tribe.
Taylor slides in easily, and I switch my attention completely to helping pleasure Hera. I want her to cum well, and repeatedly. I only want Taylor keep her going, I still intend that his semen flow into me this morning.
Hera surprises me. I thought that after last night she would be calmer, with less desperation for the feel of a man, now that her long drought has broken. Her relative sanguinity lasts only until Taylor is buried fully within her. Then a switch flips, and the desperate, greedy, hungry Hera emerges, yelling, moaning, sobbing, pushing her hips in to meet Taylor’s thrusts. "Beautiful… cock… fuck.. hot… fuck… need… cock… hard… fuck!" she gasps, and Taylor obliges her incoherency by slamming his cock into her at full force. I can’t tear my eyes away, but there’s no reason I would want to. It’s a force of nature, of divinity, of erotic power.
Speaking of divinity, I thank the gods and goddesses, whoever might be in charge, that Taylor’s self control holds out through all this impassioned, brutal fucking. He knows it’s me he needs to cum inside, and he skillfully manages both his own endurance and Hera’s demands. Eventually, she does calm down,whether it’s the almost continuous orgasms or mere exhaustion I can’t tell. The more time I spend with her, the more I see her as the most completely and intensely sexual person I have ever encountered. It has to be both a blessing and a curse.
"Your turn," she pants, as Taylor pulls out of her and rolls onto his back. I’m amazed that he’s still hard after all that exertion. He’s breathing very heavily himself, and it’s pretty clear that I’m going to have to take the active role this time. I can handle that.
Hera keeps him to herself long enough to slide him deeply into her mouth for a couple of strokes, slurping and sucking off the residue from their fucking. Then she holds his haft vertically. "Get on him, girl. He’s ready, and I think you are too."
I am that, and I climb over and lower myself down, while Hera guides that wide cock into my ready pussy. It’s not all work, because she’s caressing, licking, kissing, and stroking all over my body as I ride Taylor. I look down and he’s grinning. As before, I’m amazed by the difference in my responses with Hera present. My desire is no less, my pleasure just as all-enveloping, the sensations just as delightful and exquisite as ever – maybe even more so. The sense of hunger, of desperation, of fierce, aggressive need, seem to have all been absorbed into Hera’s greedy, needy, famished cunt. I’m calmer, I can savor the feelings of delight and joy, the almost gourmet experience of the slow, deep, fullness that Taylor’s flight deck brings to my nerve endings. I’m a connoisseur, and my thrill is that of highest form of discerning pleasure. My orgasms unfold like blossoms rather than explosions, and my awareness is enhanced. Never have I been so satisfied.
My relaxed response has an affect on Taylor. Even with Hera’s enthusiastic and vocal encouragement, the strokes are slow and deep, the thrusting is almost toying, and Taylor’s buildup is gradual. I can feel it beginning long before his seed bursts into me, and when he cums, it’s a long, drawn out shudder from his body to match the moan from his lips, and the gentle pulsing inside me seems to fill me with more cum than I’ve carried in a while. For a minute, I lay on top of him, letting the semen pool inside of me. Then I clamp my kegels shut, as I pull my body off of him, and give him a long deep kiss.
"That was awesome! It was like a slow, romantic dance! You two are so beautiful. I wish I could fuck like that!" Hera is effusive.
"Really?" I’m genuinely surprised. "I thought you liked your intensity. It’s super erotic the way you get possessed by the moment."
"I do like it, but you’re right. I feel possessed by it. It’s something that controls me, and I feel helpless. When I see the way you and Taylor fuck, it’s like watching a couple of accomplished athletes. You’re so graceful, so skilled. The moment doesn’t own you like it does me. You own the moment."
"I’ll tell you a little secret," Taylor interjects with a smile. "We don’t usually fuck like this. I think something in our sexual responses has been evolving lately."
"I think so," I agree. "I feel like a completely different sexual being than I did two years ago, or a year ago, or six months ago, or even a week ago. As far as I’m concerned, Hera, you’re part of that."
"Don’t blame me," she laughs. "I just got here!"
"Do you still mind if Taylor drives you home later?" I ask as a way of reminder. "Hey, maybe if he’s lucky he can meet your mother."
"What?" Taylor looks concerned.
"He might," Hera nods. "I think it’ll be fun."
We chat a few more minutes while I take in the lingering aroma of sweat and cum, but I know my time is limited. I have someplace I need to be. I take my leave, kiss them both with sincere passion, throw on my minimal clothing, and head out the door. I am glad I met Hera, glad I’ve introduced her to Taylor, and I happily imagine the adventures they’ll have together later today. Of course they’ll be giving me the details soon. Hera’s going to make Taylor and myself, and hopefully our other lovers, very happy. I’m a lucky girl.
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