Many pitch deck examples focus on the presentation design: colors, themes, and look of the presentation. At Haiku Deck, we believe that the magic behind a successful pitch deck is in the message, not the medium, so our mission is to help business owners focus on the content while our template handles the formatting.

We're featuring a Pitch Deck Template that covers the aforementioned topics so you can focus on your pitch, not the formatting.

This pitch deck consists of a 10-slide template that explains what a startup does, how it works, who the team members are, and includes factors that investors will be interested in.

The template sets the context by defining the problem your business aims to solve. In this slide, paint a picture of your target audience and how you’ll be solving problems they have.

After building your foundation, the next step is to discuss your marketing plan and how you’ll attract new customers for your business.

As with any successful business, a slide covering financials is often helpful for investors to evaluate the viability of your business.

Paint a complete picture with slides on your team, the competition, and potential obstacles your business might face in the future.

Your pitch deck should finish with your next steps and timeline. If appropriate, leave time for questions and answers.

If this has been helpful, here's the complete Pitch Deck Template for you to use in your pitch. To get started, click the "copy" button on the presentation page.

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