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An understanding of the word anatta is critical to correct development of insight. Here are some phrases to help.
These are from discussions by the Dhamma Study and Propagation Foundation in Thailand.

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Published on Nov 06, 2015

Phrases to help understand the meaning of anatta in Theravada Buddhism



Alan Weller 2015
An understanding of the word anatta is critical to correct development of insight. Here are some phrases to help.
These are from discussions by the Dhamma Study and Propagation Foundation in Thailand.

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Photo by kevin dooley

The understanding which understands conditioned realities is also conditioned.

Realities arise beyond our expectation.

What reality appears now?

Photo by Adi Setiawan

Results for whom?

Photo by philhearing

We cannot select our way of life.

Seeing sees visible object. What is seen is not a person. We have attachment to individuals, but individuality has no separate characteristic.

What is experienced is hardness, not a table, but it has to be known by developed understanding.

Photo by b'jesus

Don't force yourself to think it is the right time and right place for the arising of awareness, because awareness can arise anytime or place. Don't limit it.

Photo by pamhule

When one thinks 'I am aware', it is not right awareness.

Right understanding is not in the text, it is at the moment of understanding what seeing is.

Photo by kjetikor

Never enough understanding, because each moment is conditioned.

It is conditioned, it is unavoidable, uncontrollable.

Photo by Ed Yourdon

We have the illusion of control all our life except at the moment of sati. It helps to eradicate that illusion.

Photo by dustyknapp

Nobody can condition any reality.

Photo by Diueine

Seeing is conditioned, pleasant feeling is conditioned. It has its own conditions already. We shouldn't prepare any other conditions for any reality to arise.

Can you tell what is beyond this moment?

Photo by DerrickT

You cannot study the reality which does not appear

Photo by Pulpolux !!!

This reality which is born now arises and falls away in a split second and never returns. It is only once in the cycle of birth and death.

Photo by Karen Roe

Reality is like an unexpected guest

Photo by Fon-tina

Me: "All realities are Anatta."
My wife: "The reality in front of me is a nutter!"

Photo by silverfox09

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