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Some key points about Buddhism.

A video of why we need to understand the 'Abhidhamma', the theory of Buddhism is available at the ling below:

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Why Study Buddhism?

Published on Nov 06, 2015

Why study Buddhism?


Why Study Buddhism?

Alan Weller 2015
Some key points about Buddhism.

A video of why we need to understand the 'Abhidhamma', the theory of Buddhism is available at the ling below:


To understand the truth about life, about the realities of life. Why we live
and die? Why we suffer?

What is the best way to live? What should be our priority?

Photo by Paladin27

It is always other people who have faults, but what about our own? Faults and vices cause so much suffering and distress in
the world. How can we become a better person?

Photo by AlishaV

Life is very short, very fragile. We can be very secure and happy one
moment and devastated in the next. What can we do to insure against
this fragility?

Photo by monkeyc.net

Why do we suffer and what can be done about it?

The Buddha is one the most famous people history
has produced. What did he teach?

Photo by SonOfJordan

We may be forced to study Buddhism because we have to teach it as a
part of the National Curriculum or host a talk show about religion!

Photo by MDGovpics

We see the danger of the cycle of birth and death

We see the futility of enslavement to the objects experienced from moment to moment.

Photo by konungas