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Vantage point is the perspective or position from which you can see something.
It is Your personal reality and how you look at and filter the world.

High Yellow Vantage Point

Published on Sep 24, 2021

There are 3 R's in iMA :

Recognize that you operate within a systematic framework in which you feel most comfortable most of the time..

Realize thatYou are in the minority and that most people are on a different wavelength .and have different comfort zone than you.

Respond to High Yellows in a way that They are most comfortable giving and receiving information and Connectivity,Trust,Communication and Cooperation will go up and Stress and Tension will go down.


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Vantage point is the perspective or position from which you can see something.
It is Your personal reality and how you look at and filter the world.

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To Connect with High Yellows you must first understand their point of view.

Click on the " Speaker Icon " to listen and learn how High Yellows look at and filter their world.
or go to: https://mysoundwise.com/episodes/16171434507025088e

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iMA is a simple,colour based,universal language that will help you appreciate yourself for what you are and give you a renewed understanding of how you fit into your world,your relationship with others and how to Connect with them.

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iMA is simple, yet goes deep, with universal applications and a global reach.

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Let’s meet up at iMA world and talk about the iMA Strategies you can use to Be, Do, and Live Better.
If that sounds like something you would like to do just click on this link to see the dates and times that I'm available.

Click here: http://iMAvailable.online
Looking forward to seeing you soon.
Bye for now,
James Knight