Fiercely Authentic: Staying True to Your Personal Brand

Published on Sep 08, 2016

In today's 24/7 culture, you have unprecedented access to leaders through social media, text and in person interactions. This also means that you are being highly scrutinized on a regular basis. Now, more than ever, each one of us has a personal brand, online and offline, and how we use the tools available can shape how we're perceived. In this talk, we'll explore the elements of your personal brand, how social media, traditional channels and personal presence all impact your brand, and the power of being fiercely authentic.


Fiercely Authentic

Staying True to Your Personal Brand

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  • Why personal brand is important
  • What goes into your brand
  • What about brand is important to you

What is a "brand"?

Brand is...

  • A name, term, design or symbol
  • Identifies product as distinct from others
Photo by jcwpdx

Personal brand

is your unique value

"Personal brand is what people say about you when you leave the room"
--Jeff Bezos,

Elements of Personal Brand

  • How you are perceived by others
  • What you have selected to share online and in person
  • Verbal and non-verbal presence
  • Your natural tendencies and personality

What informs perception?

Photo by kalyan02

What informs perception?

  • Your audience
  • Your environment
  • Cultural norms
  • Assumptions and attitudes
  • Their past experience
  • Context in which you're interacting
Photo by kalyan02

How do you want to be perceived?

Photo by kalyan02

What you choose to share

Click to Edit

Click to Edit

Selecting what to share

  • Professional only
  • Personal only
  • Mixture of both

Professional only?

Personal only?

Very hard to do

Mix of both

  • Personal and Professional accounts (maybe)
  • Restricted lists (probably)
  • Judgement calls (always)
Photo by gagstreet

Non-Verbal Communication

Non-Verbal Communication

  • Present online and in person
  • 65% of what people perceive about you
  • Not easily turned off
  • Dependent on receiver

People make snap decisions on visual input

LinkedIn Profile Pics to Avoid

Photo by nan palmero

Your content can be...

Photo by Renato Ganoza

You still can have personality

Photo by Renato Ganoza

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Be aware of what surrounds you
and the messages they communicate

The Myth of WYSIWYG

Photo by rumpleteaser

"There’s a danger...of your personal brand becoming 'identity labor,' [defined] as performing an identity for others to consume, rather than exploring and expressing the one that reflects our beliefs and experiences."
--Ivana McConnell

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Do I feel fake?
Do I feel like I'm hiding something?
Is it time consuming to be "me"?

Photo by asvensson

Finding Balance

Photo by tallpomlin

What's "sacred" about you? What are you not willing to change?

Photo by daemonsquire


What if people want you to be different?
Photo by alittlething

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Twitter: @aliceferris @goalbustersjim