Becoming an Open Education Practitioner

A short presentation for educators about copyright and Creative Commons.


Open Education Practitioner

An introduction to Creative Commons
This deck was based on @mgraffin Copyright is messy
Photo by bill barber

Do you understand copyright law?

not surprisingly many don't! There are some international principles but then these are applied in a national context and this leads to many different applications in practice.

"You need to think about how you would feel if some one took your work and claimed it as their own."

copyright is limited to "author rights" it is one aspect of Intellectual Property rights. IP rights are legislated at a global level but interpreted at a local level.
copyright can only belong to a natural person and there is no requirement to use the copyright symbol on a work or to go through any legal process The convention of Berne (set up to prevent legal wrangles over rights of publishers) established that at the point of creation copyright rests with the creator.
Photo by phil dokas


Copyright and ownership are important! 
copyright infringement is a crime, copyright is exclusive but transferable.
Photo by Leo Reynolds

True, but who owns the picture?

Copyright still applies - even if you're a kid!
if you took the picture, you can decide how you want it used. You can use Creative Commons licences to express your wishes.
Photo by Leo Reynolds

"The pictures don't belong to you so you have to make sure you have permission to use the image that you are taking."

if you find a picture online you want to use, you must check the licence. Flickr always shows the licence information. You can use the advanced search in google images to filter for a suitably licensed image to use.


Photo by Leo Reynolds

retain, reuse, revise, remix, redistribute

CC licenses give you permission to:
the most open CC licence is CC BY
this means you can use the image as long as you attribute it to the creator:
name of image, creator (link to online profile) licence details eg CC BY 4.0
Photo by dgermony

this isn't just for images

It's for websites, documents, music, videos ..
always state your references!
Photo by gnuckx

give credit!

Acknowledge your source & copyright license
Photo by ecstaticist

how to attribute

  • Title
  • Author
  • Source
  • Licence
Photo by paul bica

Untitled Slide


Images: CC BY @mearso