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Published on Nov 20, 2015

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Got a total of 13 724 317people in the country with a surface of 390 757 km2.
Capital: Harare with a population of 1726000.

Photo by 0tto0o

How do Zimbabwe break against human rights?

Photo by Kanzis

Zimbabwe got a president called Robert Mugabe, Robert is 90years old (born 1924) and doesn't seem to be willing to leave the goverment.

Photo by MrFederico

There are widespread reports of systematic and escalating violations of human rights in Zimbabwe under the Mugabe administration and his party, ZANU-PF.

An example is 2008 when Morgan Tsvangiral won over Mugabe and a revote was done to choose a president, before the new one, people have reported that they been assaulted and been violently damaged for not voting on Mugabe

It is Said that President Robert Mugabe cheated in the elections by voting with 100,000 people's names that are over 100 years or dead.

According to human rights organizations such as Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch, the Government of Zimbabwe violates the rights to shelter, food, freedom of movement and residence, freedom of assembly and the protection of the law.