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Published on Mar 17, 2016

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Global citizenship project


Photo by drpavloff

Abdulrahman Zeitoun grew up In the Ports of Syria with a large, warm, and close-knit family and an older brother who was an acliamed olympic distance swimmer. His father worked on large cargo ships and traveled the world, but after a near catastrophe on one boating trip, He discouraged his son to persue a career on the ocean. instead, he Enforeced the importance of education and hard work to his kids; He knew that the zeitoun family was destined to be great.

However, after Zeitoun's oldest brother, the world-reknowned Distanced swimmer, Died From an Accident in his early twenties, Zeitoun wanted to escape his bustling syrian home and Followed the path of one of his brothers, working on cargo ships on the open sea. Throughout his young AdulT Years, Abdulrahman traveled to the four corners of the World, Visiting sOuth Africa, Greece, the united States, Australia, and Japan.

Photo by Ludovico Cera

"He had not known until then how badly he had needed this kind of freedom. He felt twice as strong, three times as tall. Amd finally zeitoun knew Ahmad's [his brother's] secret, why he had become a sailor... Only now did Zeitoun know liberation, and it was everything. Ahmad could see that his younger brother was not returning home to jableh anytime soon."
-Zeitoun, page 144

He lived a life of freedom with his brother until, during one trip to America, he discovered the city of new orleans. Zeitoun fell in love with the oppourtunistic nature of the area and, for the first time in years, decided to settle down and take a break from traveling the oceans. His companion- his older brother Ahmad, the one that introduced him to working on the ocean- later settled down in spain.

It was in new Orleans that Zeitoun met his future wife, Kathy. Through connections from New friends, He met this quiet, stubborn, Muslim woman from baton Rouge, Louisiana, and was instantly too far gone in love to do anything about it. Over the next years, the two began to know one another and grow closer, until they decided to finally tie the knot in marriage. Kathy's family wasn't all too pleased; her Southern heritage made marrying a Syrian man an oddity. However, by the Time span the book covers, Zeitoun and Kathy had been married for eleven years.

Photo by Lel4nd

Zeitoun and kathy worked hard to instill a steadfast work ethic and the importance of seizing oppourtunity and education into their four children. Zeitoun Himself was a man who strongly believed in the importance of hard work. In the New Orleans Suburbs, He and Kathy ran a trusted and successful painting and house-repair company, and they both pushed themselves to their limits to aid each and every customer to their fullest potential.

Photo by sevensixfive


Photo by Groume

Zeitoun's story takes place mostly in the suburbs of New Orleans, Louisiana, the area most drastically hit by hurricane katrina. He and His family live in a middle-class area on the fringes of the city's downtown.

Photo by ecstaticist


Photo by Leo Reynolds

In this case, the time period is critical to the plot; In September of 2005, the United states was still wearing the Scar of 9/11, and tensions with the middle east were high. The months of August and September that Zeitoun's story spans over also play a huge role in the events that take place; the late-summer, early-fall time of year commonly lends itself to hurricanes.

Photo by MSVG


When warnings of an oncoming hurricane roll in to Louisiana on the radios and television news stations, Most of the city dimisses it as just another coastal storm. Zeitoun presses on with his daily work, running the paint company and managing its workers and properties. The kids attend school, and Kathy busies herself transmitting phone calls for the company and dealing with customers; Despite the frequent newscasts, the day is uncannily normal.

Photo by queenkv