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WWII Vocabulary Terms

Published on Nov 30, 2015

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WWII Vocabulary Terms

By Lauren Sunday
Photo by John-Morgan

Nationalism: The belief or political ideology of extreme loyalty to one's nation and that one's country is superior and more important than all other countries.

Photo by theqspeaks

Fascism: A form of radical authoritarian nationalism that reveres nation above the individual where the government has total control over citizens and opposition to this government is prohibited.

Photo by Moon Fish

Totalitarianism: The political concept in which the government has total control over society and strives to control every aspect of public and private life

Photo by Thomas Hawk

Genocide: The deliberate, systematic massacre of a large group of people especially those belonging to a specific race, religion, or nation.

Axis Powers: The nations that fought against the Allies in WWII, they consisted of Germany, Japan, and Italy; they were united by their opposition to the Western world and Soviet Union.

Allied Powers: The countries in opposition to the Axis Powers during WWII, the Allied Powers consisted of Britain, Russia, France, and the United States.

Manhattan Project: A secret research and development project led by the U.S. that assembled the first atomic bombs during WWII.

Yalta Conference: Meeting held during February 1945 by the government leaders of the United States, United Kingdom, and Soviet Union to discuss post-war Europe. President Franklin D. Roosevelt of the United States, Winston Churchill of the United Kingdom, and Joseph Stalin of the Soviet Union were the representatives in attendance.

Photo by Marion Doss

Kamikaze: Suicide attacks by Japanese aviators on naval Allied forces during WWII.

Hiroshima: The first Japanese city bombed by the U.S. with the atomic bomb during WWII.

Nagasaki: The second Japanese city the U.S. dropped an atomic bomb on during WWII.

Adolf Hitler: The fascist German leader of the Nazi party and dictator of Germany from 1934-1945 during WWII.

Hideki Tojo: The Prime Minister of Japan during WWII and the military leader directly responsible for the attack on Pearl Harbor.

Winston Churchill: British politician who was Prime Minister of the United Kingdom from 1940-1945 during WWII.

Joseph Stalin: The communist leader of the Soviet Union from the mid 1920's-1953 and part of the Allied forces during WWII.

Benito Mussolini: Politician and Fascist leader of Italy who ruled as Prime Minister from 1922-1943 and was sided with the Axis powers during WWII.

George S. Patton: United States Army general revered for his command of the Third United States Army in the European Theater of WWII.

Dwight Eisenhower: Commanding general of Allied forces in Europe during WWII who later became President of the United States.

Harry Truman: Succeeded Franklin D. Roosevelt as President of the United States in 1945 and helped the U.S. successfully end WWII.

Robert Oppenheimer: American theoretical physicist who helped develop the atomic bomb during the Manhattan Project in WWII.