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World War II

Published on Nov 22, 2015

World War 2 Project, Riley Barrett (Period 3)


World War II

Riley Barrett


of european conflict
Photo by uair01

World War I
Lost by Germany and Italy

War Reparations
Forced upon Germany

Stock Market Crash
Caused by inability to pay reparations

Photo by marsmet552

Rise of Dictators
Fueled by German and Italian poverty

Axis Aggression
Germany and Italy invade surrounding territories

Start of War
Britain and France declare war


of american involvement

Invades China, Korea, and Pacific Territories

Unites States
Embargoes oil trade with Japan

United States' Pacific Fleet threatens Japanese expansion into the Pacific

Japan attacks Pearl Harbor
To damage American Pacific fleet

Congress declares war on Japan the next day

Significant Battles


of midway atoll

Japanese attacked the island of Midway to lure American carriers

The Americans did as expected, but the Japanese carriers sank


of the eastern solomons

The Midway victory inspired Americans to attack Japanese islands

They started with the Solomon Islands

Despite constant counterattacks, the island was successfully held

This convinced American forces to attack on more Japanese islands


of allied victory

Germany split between Soviet Bloc and Western Germany

Japan forms a democratic government


After the war

Practically untouched by battles

America experiences extreme economic prosperity

War production makes America a global superpower


of the war

American propaganda emphasizing women's new roles

Soviet propaganda emphasizing the glory of their cause

Contraversial Issuue

peace with soviet union


Allowed nations to rebuild infrastructure

Prevented additional human and economic costs


Germany would be territorially divided for the coming decades

Russia would develop Nuclear Weaponry, threatening America for coming years


for Mexican americans

The Bracero Program brought Mexicans to work in American industries

Began to initiate further economic opportunities for Mexican Americans


against mexican americans

Zoot suit riots caused mass beatings against Mexican Americans

They immediately lost employment when the war ended


Of native americans

Navajo people were stationed at long range radio stations

Their native language was used as a code

The Japanese never deciphered the Navajo language

Additionally, many Native American warriors served in the military

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