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World History Project

Published on Nov 23, 2015

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Photo by tim caynes

Sardis- which was the Capital and was important in trade and source of government throughout Lydia. Lydia fell under the qonquerors sovereignty when Alexander the Great defeated the Persians at the battle of issues. One of the most important cities in the ancient empire. The city was addressed by the author in the Book Of Revelation. The city seemed to be weak in population and military.

forms of government were found in the capital Sardis. It was considered very wealthy and characterized by high culture. The city was placed by rivers which allowed for fishing and other things that helped grow the civilization. People who lived here were some Persians and some Greeks and had many beliefs practiced in the city.

Photo by kevin dooley

Lydians were a group of people who were some of the earliest inhabitants of Ephesus. They worshiped Kebele which was called a cult. I don't know why it was called a cult instead of a religion. The cult was one of the most difficult for Christianity to overcome. Kybele was the Mother goddess of Anatolia. She was the goddess of nature and the protector of wild animals.

It was ruled by kings. During the archaic period of Greece is when the story about Croesus which was the Lydian king appeared. Croesus was the most well known king. The lydians supported Croesus until the Persians defeated him and took over.

Lydian was an Indo European language that was spoke in the region of Lydia in western Anatolia. It belongs to the Anatolian group of the Indo European language family. The Lydian writing way which is strictly alphabetic is related to Greek. The direction of writing in the older texts is either from left to right or right to left. The more than 100 Lydian texts written in an alphabet similar to the Greek alphabet, were found at the ancient capital of Sardis. Lydian has seven vowels a, e, i, o, u.

coins were first invented in Lydia. And helped there economic rise. The coins had a mixture of gold and silver. From Lydia the coinage spread to Greek cities and Asia. The coins weighed about 14 grams, they had a strict weight standard. The coins are inscribed with ancient Lydian script. It helped lydians develop economy and have more balance. They also used thatched roofs on the houses in the towns.

Photo by eGuidry


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this is one of the worlds oldest coins and can be found in many museums including the Virginian museum of ancient history. that proves that lydians did exist because they created the first coins and the coins have lydian letter/scripture on it.

The lydians were very advanced people they invented coins and basically currency that we base off of even in today's economy. They used a form of Greek writing that entailed the alphabet. And was even ruled by Croesus. The lydians were related to three dynasty's traceable to the late Bronze Age. They had many achievements, and used writing and currency still used in today's society.

Photo by djniks