Who Do You Choose? Heb 2:10-18

Published on Nov 18, 2015

Hebrews 2:10-18 - Value of calling on Jesus


Hebrews 2:10-18

Photo by -Piskami

Some Definitions

  • Fitting - proper, belonging, right
  • Perfect - mature, complete, ready
  • Holy - special, separate, sanctified
  • Salvation - keep, protect, rescue
  • Atonement - cancel, wash away, reconcile
Photo by KKfromBB

Double Click

Choose Jesus.....

He is a good fit - vs. 10

proper, fitting, belongs

Best leader vs. 10
brings us to glory - leads us into the presence of
God, has come specifically for this
(Illus. Choose a fishing guide that knows how to catch fish)
perfect - mature, complete, tested and
approved - and this state of tested and approved doesn't expire....vs. 18 in word suffer pf...

Can identify with us - vs. 17

like us vs. 17
flesh and blood vs. 14
admits to us in public vs. vs. 12

Draws us close - vs. 11
holiness - separates from sin and pulls us away
from sin

Photo by dieselbug2007

Stop paying

Jesus already did....
He is the author of our salvation vs. 10
Freed us from the fear of death vs. 14
retires, removes, withdraws

Defeats the devil - renders him ineffective, inactive, no longer ready for action vs. 14

Extends mercy to us vs. 17

act of compassion on the part of someone who is stronger and more capable than the one in need, who without the help of this benefactor would not be able to do anything to help themselves vs. 17

faithful - can be trusted - like Jesus statement about the father in verse 13 - where Jesus says I am persuaded and will remain so, that God can be trusted, counted on, relied upon.....

made atonement for our sin - acted as a high priest and covered, removed our guilt and reconciled us to the Father

He suffered through the temptations of being human vs. 18
Photo by STOck You

Call on Jesus

Help -

snatch us from the midst of trouble - vs. 16
strong word where Jesus reaches in and drags out of what would be certain serious injury or death

Jesus has come to help the descendants of Abraham
True from a physical perspective
True from a spiritual perspective as members of the covenant family of God

describing what EMS crews do on an ambulance when the get a 911 call

And when we are in the midst of a test, especially when our enemies have set up the scenario just to see us fall on our faces.....we can call out to the Lord and soon we will hear the siren.....

or perhaps we will remember 1 Cor 10:13

When we are being tempted
tested by those who hope to see us fall
create situations where they watch us choose
Photo by Great Beyond

So, this winter....

  • Double Click on Jesus
  • Stop Paying for Your Sin
  • Call on Jesus...First
Photo by blmiers2

Michael Cadrette

Haiku Deck Pro User