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Watsons Dictionary

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S= synonym
V= vocab

V: Automatically
S: Naturally
S: Accordingly
Largely or wholly involuntary
The store doors open automatically.
Noun, Adverb, Adjective

V: Blizzard
S: white out
S: snowfall
A storm with dry, driving snow and intense cold
Looks like there is going to be a blizzard tonight.
Noun, Verb

Photo by Nanagyei

V: cockeye
S: crooked eye
S: cross eyed
A visible abnormality of the eyes
That person looks cockeyed.

Photo by fritzon

V: Demonstration
S: Presentation
S: protest
The process of showing existence or proof of something or a public protest
At two o'clock there will be a demonstration at the town hall.

Photo by theqspeaks

V: Juvenile delinquent
S: Criminal
S: Robber

Photo by cdrummbks

V: Flypaper
S: Sticky paper
S: Poison paper
Sticky paper designed to catch flies.

Photo by Peteris B

V: egghead
S: Smart
S: Intelligent
An intellectual or thinker
Some people thought the man was an egghead.
Noun, Adjective

V: Emulate
S: Imitate
S: Copy
To match or surpass
That isn't something I want to emulate.

V: Frostbite
S: Frozen
S: Harm
Injury to body tissues due to exposure to extreme cold
Let's hope he doesn't get frostbite in the snowstorm.

Photo by winkyintheuk

V: Grenade
S: Bomb
S: Harmful Projectile
A small shell containing explosives thrown by hand or from a launching device
It is dangerous to handle a grenade.

V: Hostile
S: Unfriendly
S: Hateful
A person or thing that is antagonistic or unfriendly
The man had a hostile attitude.
Noun, Adjective

V: Hypnotized
S: Mesmerized
S: Charmed
To put someone in a hypnotic state
The magician hypnotized a member of the audience.

Photo by bargodk

V: Miraculous
S: Supernatural
S: Magical
Something very improbable or extraordinary that produces very positive results
The very ill man made a miraculous recovery.

Photo by .Mearn

V: Conscience
S: moral sense
S: inner voice
The inner sense of what is right or wrong in a person's actions
His conscience led him to make the right decision.

V: Dispersal
S: splitting up
S: spread
the action or process of distributing things or people over a wide area.
The Food Bank is responsible for dispersal of food to the needy.

Photo by Ðenise

V: pomade
S: grease
S: slick
A scented ointment used on the scalp or hair
The man used pomade to style his hair.
Noun, Verb

V: Haphazardly
S: carelessly
S: disorganized
Something that is done without planning or organization
The important records were haphazardly maintained.

Photo by WarzauWynn

V: linoleum
S: tile
S: floors
A floor covering made of cork, linseed oil, and canvas
The older house had a linoleum floor in the kitchen.

Photo by GottShotts

V: pinnacle
S: peak
S: height
A peak or the high point of a person's success
The new Senator had reached the pinnacle of his career.

Photo by fung.leo

V: seniority
S: Rank
S: standing
Being older or higher position than someone else The Senator has a position of seniority in the Senate.

Photo by The U.S. Army

V: symphonic
S: harmonic
S: lyrical
Relating to a symphony or music written for a symphony
Mr. Smith was the conductor of a symphonic orchestra.

Photo by jordanfischer

V: accustomed
S: usual
S: normal
Something that is customary, usual, or habitual
John was accustomed to long lines at the airport.

Photo by kalleboo

V: eavesdropped
S: snooped
S: listened in
Listens secretly to a private conversation
Joel eavesdropped on John and Bill's private conversation.
Verb, Adverb

Photo by xmlgrrl

V: gnashing
S: clamp
S: grate
Grinding teeth together in anger or pain
James was so angry, he was gnashing his teeth.

Photo by Only for Him

V: Pathetic
S: Pitiful
S: Woeful
Causing or evoking pity, sympathy, or sadness
John's effort at the race was pathetic.

Photo by Mr Fang

V: Snitch
S: Betrayer
S: Tattletale
An informer or to inform on others
When the gang was betrayed everyone wanted to know who was the snitch.
Verb, Adverb

V: duking
S: hit
S: clout
To hit or thrash with fist
The two boys got mad at each other and started duking it out.

V: stingy
S: miserly
S: tight
Reluctant to give or spend money
When it to buying new clothes, John's father was very stingy.

Photo by Neubie

V: wilier
S: crafty
S: cunning
Skilled at gaining an advantage and especially deceitful
Foxes are wilier than chickens, so chickens are easier to catch.

Photo by wili_hybrid

V: boycotts
S: shun
S: snub
Withdrawal of support for a business or organization as a punishment or protest
The group is going to use boycotts against businesses because of the discriminatory policies of the businesses.
Noun, Verb

Photo by rahuldlucca

V: confrontations
S: contests
S: disputes
Situations in which people or groups of people are arguing angrily or fighting
Several people were injured during violent confrontations with the police.

V: discrimination
S: prejudice
S: bias
Unfair treatment of people based on race, group, class, or category to which they belong
The court found the business guilty of discrimination against handicapped people

Photo by Carlos Smith

V: pervasive
S: extensive
S: widespread
Existing in every part of something
People are concerned about the pervasive rate of unemployment in our nation.

Photo by Bytemarks

V: picketing
S: boycotting
S: striking
An organized group of people stationed in front of a business, organization, or government building to protest the actions of that business, organization, or government

People were picketing in front of the business because of low wages and poor healthcare.
Noun, Verb

V: prohibited
S: banned
S: barred
Something that isn't allowed

The school prohibited having guns on campus.

Photo by Chambo25

V: provoke
S: prompt
S: trigger
To stir up or incite

The protesters tried to provoke a confrontation with the police.

Photo by qbix08

V: segregation
S: discrimination
S: exclusion

To enforce the separation of different racial groups in a country or community

Charlotte once had a policy of segregation in our schools


Photo by arievergreen

V: panning
S: criticize
S: condemn

To criticize someone or something severely

When Joey was panning John, he hurt his feelings.


V: passionate
S: intense
S: impassioned

Showing or caused by strong feelings or a strong belief

Frank is very passionate about his love for video games.


Photo by Jeffrey Beall

V: punctual
S: timely
S: prompt

Happening or doing something at the agreed or proper time; on time

Bob was punctual at his arrival at the party.


Photo by ~suchitra~