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You seem to be doing everything right but somehow you always fail. That makes you have a negative opinion about yourself, lose hope and lack motivation to persevere.

But you know what? Everyone fails. With one exception – those who don’t try at all. So if you have got to that point, you’ve obviously done something. This itself is a great start and once you’ve started, it’s not so difficult to continue.

Every successful person has failed somewhere on the road. Inventors had tried many times before they created something that actually worked and helped people – the TV set and the computer weren’t invented from scratch. Great writers didn’t get famous with their first book. Instead, they spent many years of working hard, trying to make their work perfect so that it can touch the reader in a special way.

Every great thing we have today started from a simple idea, and the idea was a result from a try, which of course was followed by many others.

Okay, you know all that. But still failed. The big question here is what to do next. Let’s find out how to turn failure into success rather then to avoid or run away from it.
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Published on Nov 18, 2015

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You seem to be doing everything right but somehow you always fail. That makes you have a negative opinion about yourself, lose hope and lack motivation to persevere.

But you know what? Everyone fails. With one exception – those who don’t try at all. So if you have got to that point, you’ve obviously done something. This itself is a great start and once you’ve started, it’s not so difficult to continue.

Every successful person has failed somewhere on the road. Inventors had tried many times before they created something that actually worked and helped people – the TV set and the computer weren’t invented from scratch. Great writers didn’t get famous with their first book. Instead, they spent many years of working hard, trying to make their work perfect so that it can touch the reader in a special way.

Every great thing we have today started from a simple idea, and the idea was a result from a try, which of course was followed by many others.

Okay, you know all that. But still failed. The big question here is what to do next. Let’s find out how to turn failure into success rather then to avoid or run away from it.

Failure renews my humility, sharpens my objectivity, and makes me more resilient.

Use every failure you face to renew your humility - it is showing you what you are lacking and it is directing you to objectively look at how to make up for it and when you do that it will make you more resilient by taking one problem out of your way and one step nearer to success.

Failure is your ‘stepping stone’ to success and gratification. Likewise, Success is the destination but failure is how you get there.

What else?

I take the challenge seriously, but I do not take myself too seriously.

Approach every failure as a challenge you will seriously work at changing or solving or growing, but do not beat or blame yourself for it personally.
Just remember to remain open to change and grow. Sometime, allow yourself to laugh at yourself and you will find people laughing WITH you and not AT you.
Taking yourself too seriously or blaming yourself is totally pointless at this point and it usually do not lead to any happy ending.

Do you think the more you fail, the more you can change and learn?

If the more I fail, the more I succeed

Take pleasure knowing that the more you fail, the more you can change and learn - with that you are getting closer to success.

Remember failure is the required process to allow us to learn, change and achieving our ultimate success. It is what we need to embrace rather then avoid.

However, it must not be misunderstood that we should go ahead and intentionally create failures then we can pave our way to success. It only work, when In everything we do, we need to know what we are doing and give it our best possible effort to make it work and only afterwards when even that failed can we use it as a process to achieve and grow. You cannot grow without a foundation

Do you think failure is permanent?

Failure is temporary

Always remember that Failure is temporary for those who treat it as an opportunity to try something new or different.

Only those who choose to give up in the face of failure - THEIR FAILURE WILL BE PERMANENT

Do you think you can learn more from success?

I learn more from failure than success

It must be obvious that you learn more from failure than success. It is through failure that we gain experience and when we are challenged it encourage us to think more creatively to improve and look for other solutions that we ordinarily would not have thought about had things been somewhat easier.

When you make a mistake, there are only three things you should ever do about it:
admit it, learn from it, and don’t repeat it

And do you think negative feedback is useful for your correction?

Negative feedback is information that helps me correct my course so that I stay on target

Receiving negative feedback is never easy, no matter what stage of your career you’re in. It’s natural to get defensive or upset.” But the truth is, receiving negative feedback is an incredible opportunity to show your capability for learning and growth
If your manager or colleague is sharing feedback, whether negative or positive, it’s a sign they care about the growth of your career. The problem is, employees tend to forget this in the heat of the moment.

What else?

I am paid for the number of times I fail

Contrary to what most people believe, a lot of bosses pay their employees to fail. They want creativity at work, they want high performing staff, they want autonomy and high motivation. Like what we’ve been discussing for the past few slides, the more we fail, the more we are likely to achieve success. Good bosses, good leaders understand the importance of failures and they allow it.

We are not judged by the number of times we fail, but by the number of times we succeed: and the number of times we succeed is in direct proportion to the number of times we fail and keep trying

My self-esteem is not based on the reactions of others, but by my own sense of virtue

Caring about what other people think about what you do in a healthy way can help you to gain valuable feedback and keep you grounded. But caring too much about what people may say or think if you do something can keep you in the same old rut, unable to move forward and to live the life you truly want to live.
Start caring more about what you think about yourself and start raising your own self-esteem.

The unkindness of others reminds me that I need to be kind to myself

When people are not kind towards you, don’t be mad. If someone is pretty much always negative about what other people do or he or she often makes personal attacks and let the destructive words flow then, when such things are aimed at you, remember that it isn’t always about you.

Such words or negative habits can be a way for that person to release pent up anger, frustration or jealousy about something in his or her own life. And to remember that the other person is still human and might be having a bad day, month, marriage or job.

It takes courage to fail–because nobody ever got ahead without taking risks

why we should have the courage to fail. We will never discover our potential without learning from our mistakes. This applies to leaders who must also have the courage to fail. Unlike others, leaders take risks in every position they assume.

They risk delegating the wrong task to the wrong person.
They risk looking ridiculous standing in front of a crowd of people.
They risk taking fault for an organizational misstep.
They risk burning friendships because of their new role.
Don’t be scared… Be courageous.

If failure is a vehicle that can take you to success, then courage is the fuel! Courage is a muscle. And, like any muscle, you must develop and strengthen it with lots of exercise.
As the saying goes: Use it, or lose it. It's no different with courage. Use and develop your "courage muscle" by looking fear in the eye and taking action anyway. Each time you take action, the courage muscle gets stronger.

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TRY AGAIN. Don't give up! Learn from your mistake, then try it again with something new. The worst thing that can happen is you fail again, right? The best thing that can happen: you SUCCEED!! it's possible, believe you can, do it right, and you will!

Remember, this strategy is not just a sales strategy. It is not just for businesses. It's for every aspect of your personal and professional lives.