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To Kill a Mockingbird

Published on Nov 18, 2015

Characters in To Kill a Mockingbird


To Kill a Mockingbird - Characters

by Harper Lee

Atticus Finch

"Walk around in someone else's skin/shoes" 
Atticus Finch is a single father and lawyer in the small town of Macomb, Alabama. He is trying to raise his children to be strong, independent and accepting through his example.

Scout (Jean Louise) Finch

Scout is the young and precocious narrator in the story.
Atticus Finch is a single father and Lawyer in the small town of Maycomb, Alabama. He is trying to raise his children to be strong, loving,

Jeremy (Jem) Finch

Jem is Scout's older brother and usually mature voice for Scout.


She is the housekeeper and mother-figure for Jem & Scout.


Dill is the outsider & summer friend that sees things differently.

Miss Maudie

Miss Maudie is a mother figure that characterizes for Scout's narration

Miss Stephanie Crawford

She is the town "gossip".

Mrs. Dubose

She is the mean and angry old neighbor.

Nathan Radley

The strange neighbor and brother of Arthur Radley.

Arthur Radley

He is the strange "mystery" neighbor!
Photo by Bilal Kamoon


They are the good, respectable, very poor family.


They are the poor, "white-trash", disreputable family in town.

Heck Tate

He is the town sheriff.

Tom Robinson

He is Atticus Finch's client & on trial for his life.

Mayella Ewell

She is Tom's victim/accuser.

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