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Published on Mar 20, 2016

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In 527, Justinian becomes the emperor of Byzantium.

I chose this event because it marks the beginning of a "new Rome"

In 532 AD, the Nika rebellion nearly overthrows Justinian, but Theodora convinces justinian not to flee

I chose this event because it shows how much influence Theodora had over Justinian.

In 537 AD, Justinian rebuilds the Hagia Sophia

I chose this event because the Hagia Sophia is the "crowning glory" of Justinian's reign.

In 862 AD, the Viking king Rurik founds the city of Novgorod

I chose this event because it marks the beginning of Russia.

In 989, a baptism for all of the citizens of Kiev is held in the Dnieper river.

This even is important because it strengthens the already existing ties between Russia and Byzantium through Christianity.

In 1054 AD, the pope and the patriarch excommunicate each other.

This event is important because it initiates the split in Christianity, between the Roman Catholic and the Orthodox Church.

In 1054 AD, yaroslav dies.

This event is important because this is when the Kievan state is divided among yaroslav's sons, leading to its decline.

In 1240, the mongols destroy Kiev.

This event is important because it marks the beginning of Mongol rule over Russia.

In 1453 AD, Byzantium falls to the Ottoman Turks.

This event is important because it marks the end of one of the largest empires in medieval history.

In 1480 AD, Prince Ivan stops paying tribute to the mongols.

This event is important because Ivan's refusal to pay tribute to the mongols is what ends their long reign over Russia.