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The Victory That Can Not Be Forgotten

Published on Nov 24, 2015

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Vasiliy Lanovoy, a famous artist of the USSR: " In Europe, journalists ask: "Why do you in Russia remember the victory in WW2? Here we all have already forgotten". I asked:"How many days did your countries resist Hitler?" "..." "Poland was conquered in 28 days, and 28 days in Stalingrad, the Germans were able to capture just only a few houses. Denmark surrendered in a day. The whole Europe was invaded for three months. And our soldiers had to liberate Europe. And what a price was of it! Millions lives of Soviet soldiers were sacrificed to liberate European countries from fascism. But Europe prefer to forget about it".

"History knows no greater example of courage than the one that was shown by the people of Soviet Russia"- Henry L. Stimson, US Secretary of War
"We and our allies are eternally grateful and forever indebted to the army and people of the Soviet Union"- Frank Knox, US Secretary of the Navy
"The Ability and aggressive fighting spirit of the Russian soldiers admired the American army"- George Marshall, US Secretary of State
"The Scale and grandeur of the Russian contribution can be considered the greatest military achievement in all history"- Douglas MacArthur, Field Marshal of the Philippine Army

World War 2

Over 62 millions deaths

Allies military deaths
As you can see the USSR suffered more than all

Allies key countries was




Ardennes operation
(16 Dec 1944 - 29 Jan 1945)
When the Ardennes "ledge" was eliminated allies began the invasion of Germany

Operation "Overlord"
(6 June - 31 Aug 1944)
The collapse of the German Western front

Battle of Monte Cassino
(17 Jan -19 May 1944)
Breakthrough line of German fortifications, known as the "Gustav Line", and the liberation of Rome

Operation "Watchtower"
(7 Aug 1942 - 9 Feb 1943)
It marked the loss of the strategic initiative of Japan and the Allies switched from defense to attack.

The battle in the Leyte Gulf
(23 - 26 Oct 1944)
This is the biggest naval battle in history. After this battle the combined fleet of Japanese did not undertake major operations more

The battle for Midway (US)
(4 - 6 June 1942)
The battle was won by the US and it was a turning point in the Pacific war.

The battle for Britain (UK)
(9 July - 30 Oct 1940)
First defeat of the Third Reich during the Second world war and one of its turning points .

405 399 (US) AND 286 200 (UK)




The battle for Moscow
(30 Sep 1941 - 20 Apr 1942)
For the first time the Germans retreated, and operation Barbarossa failed

The battle for Stalingrad
(17 July 1942 - 2 Feb 1943)
This battle marked the beginning of a radical change in the course of the great Patriotic war and the Second World War in general. It's the bloodiest battle in history (1 600 000 soldiers died). The battle of Stalingrad has surpassed all the battles in world history: duration, number of people and equipment.

The battle of Kursk
(5 July - 23 Aug 1943)
This battle was the largest tank battle in history. After the attack failed, the Red army launched a counteroffensive. After three years of war, the allies finally got a strategic advantage.

Operation "Bagration"
(22 June - 16 Aug 1944)
Is one of the largest offensives in the history of mankind. At that time, the Red Army defeated the defensive grouping of German forces in East Prussia and Poland. Operation substantially completed the final destruction of the military power of Nazi Germany. After that, the collapse of Nazism became inevitable. The Wehrmacht lost more than 800 000 soldiers.

The liberation of Auschwitz
(27 Jan 1945)
The release of the prisoners of the largest Nazi death camp, located in Poland.

Königsberg operation
(6-9 April 1945)
The main forces of the East Prussian grouping of Germans were defeated.

The battle for Berlin
(16 April - 8 May 1945)
The last strategic offensive and the bloodiest operation of the armed forces of the Soviet Union during the great Patriotic War. That became possible in the result of the strategic breakthrough of German front by the Red Army, which carried out the Vistula-Oder offensive. It ended by complete victory over Nazi Germany and the surrender of the Wehrmacht

11 285 075 (USSR)



The country with the greatest victims in the WW2 was Russia (more than 27 million people, including soldiers and civilians).

Every four from five German soldiers were killed on the Eastern front during the Great Patriotic War.

80 % of Soviet males born in 1923 didn't survive in WW2.

Many historians believe that the battle of Stalingrad was not only the bloodiest battle in history, but also a turning point of WW2.

The longest battle was the Battle of the Atlantic, which lasted from 1939 to 1945

During the siege of Leningrad Russians died more than American and British soldiers during the entire Second world war.

The end of the Second world war took place on 2 September 1945, when Japan signed the surrender on the U. S. S. Missouri in Tokyo Bay.

WW2 led to the decline from Europe as the center of world power that allowed the U.S. and Russia to become the super powers. That was one of the reasons of the further cold war and the nuclear age.

The USSR suffered from the most extensive damage. The Nazis destroyed 1710 cities and towns and 70 000 villages on Soviet land. The territory of the States was not almost affected by the war. As for Europe, only England was subjected to heavy bombing from the air.

In European countries the damage from the devastation after WW2 estimated at $ 132 billion, in the USSR - $128 billion. Military costs of the Soviet Union amounted to $ 357 billion. Thus, the WW2 cost the USSR a giant sum of money - 485 billion U.S. Dollars, that was much greater than the sum of the costs of the USA, England and France together.


Without the help of the USSR Europe would have been unable to defeat Nazi Germany, because many countries had surrendered almost without a fight. The USA and UK joined the Eastern front at the time when the whole Soviet Union and Europe was almost cleared from the German invaders. Our country even then helped the allies to fight against Japan after May 9, 1945 according to Tehran agreement.

Today when memories of war are set to fade, it's important to remember the Second World War "correctly", not paying attention to nationalist politicians seeking to downplay the historic victory of USSR.