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The True Story Of Mulan

Published on Nov 21, 2015

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Photo by armadillo444

In T’ang times, there lived a young girl named Mulan.

Her father was a retired and famous general. He taught her to use a sword and ride a horse, which was most unusual.


  • One day, the military posted scrolls in the village.
  • They announced that "each family had to send one man to the army".
  • Mulan’s father was too old to fight.
  • She didn't hade any older brother but had one younger but he was too young
Photo by KOREphotos

Girls did not fight in wars, but she thought What if she were a boy. She knew her father would die if he went to war. Then she bought a horse.

Photo by Scott*

The next morning, Mulan stole her father’s armor and crept silently from home.
She fought for many years, as many as ten years. Still no one knew that Mulan was a woman.

Photo by Amnysphere

When the war ended, Mulan was called before the emperor to receive an award for her courage. They gave her a job that would make her rich, but she decided to go home instead.

Photo by c_ambler

After a long time, her friends who had served with her came to visit. Their eyes grew large when they saw the beautiful woman before them.
Her story spread across China, to inspire girls everywhere and to be strong.

Photo by vitasusa