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The Outsiders

Published on Nov 18, 2015

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A is for Actor
Pony boy wants to pretend he is a actor in a movie. But his two brothers Darry and soda pop hate movies they can't sit there to long. So pony boy doesn't really talk about it.

Photo by bcostin

B is for blade
The socs used the blade to cut off his hair. They try to pine pony boy to the ground. Then he bites one of the socs and yells for Derry the socs hear foot steps and run away.

C is for Cops
Two bit always likes to lighting up the cops with his jokes. But the cops do not like Derry because he shopped lift and was in fights, etc. cops don't bother them.

Photo by minnepixel

D is for Derry
Derry is the oldest brother out of pony boy and soda pop. He had a hard life when he was younger so no one bothers him except for soda pop. He has darkish brown hair and hates the socs.

Photo by dbking

E is for Evie
Evie is a girl that is dating Steve. Who is a tough girl and swears a lot. Evie is not her favorite to pony boy.

F is for friends
The Greasers are all good friends. They each have there backs if they have trouble with the socs. They pretty much called brothers or family.

Photo by TheeErin

G is for Greasers
Greasers are teenagers that half to defend to survive. They are poor people that have a hard life with the socs. They wear leather jackets and smoke just like the 60s gangsters.

H is for Hangover
The most hanged over person is Dally Winston. He is tough but if he isn't drunk he seems like he is drunk. Also Dally Winston likes to speech the cops up likes to make them laugh.

Photo by Yortw