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The Only Thing Worse Than a Witch by:Lauren Magazinger book report by:Jessica Asfoury

Published on Nov 21, 2015

Book Report fun facts


The Only Thing Worse Than a Witch
by:Lauren Magazinger
book report by:Jessica Asfoury

-Rupert's mother only cooks microwavable food.
-Rupert's mother has three jobs. (ice cream tester, fortune cookie writer, and works at a local store)
-Rupert is a only child

-Witchling two loves lollipops.
-Witchling two doesn't get a name intil passes a bar exam.
-Witchling two gets to chose her name.

-Young witches don't get nasty looks until adults. (so kid witches look like normal kids)
-Witches can not really see sand.
-When Witchling two cried (for a while) it almost flooded Rupert's basement.