The Horizon Report

Published on Nov 22, 2015

Summary of the trends, challenges and technologies in the 2014 Horizon Report


The Horizon Report

53 experts

Photo by Leo Reynolds


  • Which technologies will be most important in education?
  • What trends will affect how institutions approach teaching?
  • What challenges will institutions face?
Photo by Leo Reynolds

1. Trends
2. Challenges
3. Technologies

Trends accelerating Tech adoption

1. ubiquity of Social Media

40% globally, 1.2bn Facebook users, all demographics
Photo by bedharak

2. Integration of online, hybrid & collaborative

Supports collaboration beyond classroom, flipping, communication...

3. data-driven learning

Students leave a trail; analytics reveal patterns & problems
Photo by kevin dooley

4. Students as creators

Active, hands-on learning; students as researcher; makespaces & hackspaces

5. agile approaches to change

Encouraging entrepreneurship - patent clinics, business mentors
Photo by rozken

6. evolution of e-learning

A viable alternative to F2F given strong tutor presence & interaction

Social media
Data driven
Students as creators
Agile approaches
Evolution of online

challenges impeding tech adoption

Solvable, difficult or wicked

1. low digital fluency of staff

If staff lack confidence or skills, students won't benefit

2. lack of rewards

For teaching vs research
Photo by John-Morgan

3. competition from new models

New models raise questions about what students are paying for 
Photo by Eleni Zazani

4. scaling innovation

Institutions are averse to change and discourage experimentation
Photo by ultraBobban

5. expanding access

40% youth unemployment - access to HE is an economic imperative

6. keeping education relevant

Challenges from new models and in fast-moving fields 

Challenges from new models and in fast-moving fields

Digital fluency
New models
Scaling innovation
Expanding access
Remaining relevant

developments in educational Technologies

1. Flipped classroom

Passive stuff online in advance, active stuff F2F

2. learning analytics

Applying educational big data to support students & refine teaching

Learning analytics

Applying educational big data to support students & refine teaching

3.   3-D printing

Enables more authentic exploration of rare or fragile objects

4. games & gamification

Beyond recreation - big in military and business ; growing in education
Photo by xcaballe

Games & gamification

Beyond recreation - big in military and business ; growing in education
Photo by xcaballe

5. quantified self

Tracking information on your daily activities

6. virtual assistants

Lifelike interactions with technology

Learning analytics
3D printing
Quantified self
Virtual assistants

Fiona Strawbridge

Haiku Deck Pro User