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The Holocaust

Published on Nov 18, 2015

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Photo by Andrew Oliver

-The Holocaust-
The Holocaust was a genocide made against Jews in WWII by Adolf Hitler and the Nazis. The Nazis destroyed family's, people, and even children. Jews lived almost in every country ruled by the Germans, which caused more death. German authorities not only persecuted Jews, but also homosexuals, gypsies, and prisoners of other enemy countrys or people that didn't follow social rules.

Photo by Za Rodinu

-Adolf Hitler's Ideas-
Adolf Hitler had become Germany's leader in January 1933. He thought that Germany's destiny was to rule the world. Thus, Germany was to be perfect for this. To him perfect meant a generation of young Aryans who were physically fit, blond, and totally obedient. So as to reach his goals he created a group called the Nazi's, convinced people of what he thought of right, and ended up murdering many.

-The Final Solution-
In the early years of Nazi's, the government created concentration camps in which their "opponents" were held captivated. They monitored the Jewish population, created transit camps, and forced-labor camps for the Jews during the war years. Later, they carried out lines directed by Police officials to move the captive Jews to mass-murder operations. Then, between 1941 and 1944, authorities deported millions of Jews from Germany who were sent to extermination camps where murder was especially carried out by gassing facilities.

Photo by c@rljones

-The End of the Holocaust-
During the final moths of war, guards guided Jews in "death marches" towards another location. The marches were finally put to an end May 7, 1945, the day German forces surrendered to the Allies. World War II officially ended in Europe May8 for the western allies. Survivors found shelter in camps by the Allied powers.