“ A major perspective in explaining how we perceive reality is the concept of the “social construction of reality” [it]privileges communication as the major channel for creating shared meaning.” Mara Adelman
"Communication becomes visible only against the field of silence [...] and the social construction of reality has a complement, the also necessary contemplative construction of reality."
"Finding ways to protect silence as an arena of personal and social choice is particularly poignant [...] at this frontier moment for the human species.”
“The dialectical perspective is grounded in the notion that we need to examine contrary perspectives that [...] vacillate in nature. Like a tightrope, these “oppositions” are held in tension and only momentarily resolved.” Mara Abelman
Dialectically, social and contemplative practices can oscillate, feeding into each other, as a cycle of activity and respite; a pulse for everyday life. Mara Adelman