1st Period of Expansion Fortunately, Rome became a republic after kicking out the last Etruscan King. Unfortunately, for 245 years the Romans fought one enemy after another.
2nd Period of Expansion Fortunately, Rome gained control of North America, much of Spain, the Island of Sicily, Macedonia, and Greece. Unfortunately, Rome fought 3 major wars with Carthage.
3rd Period of Expansion Fortunately, Julius Ceaser gave jobs to thousands of Romans. Unfortunately, a group of men killed Ceaser thinking they were saving the republic, but they were wrong.
4th Period of Expansion Fortunately, Ceaser's grandnephew became the sole ruler of Rome. Unfortunately, the guard who was supposed to protect him, took part in murder plots againsed the emperors
I personally think yes they did. Rome became a very powerful country. The Romans had slaves to do their work for them, they had captured many citizens from other countries to make them Roman citizens. So yes, I think the benefits outweighed the costs.