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The ABC's Of Science

Published on Nov 20, 2015

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By:Harley Tandy
Photo by wella691

A is for animal. Animals are living beings that breathe and move.

Photo by Skiwalker79

B is for backbone. A backbone is a spinal bane that helps support an animal.

Photo by Rob Swatski

C is for circuit. A circuit is a wire connected to a power source to create a magnetic field.

Photo by Maxime Mean

D is for data. Data is the information you gain from doing a lab.

E is for electricity. Electricity is the presence or flow of electric currents.

Photo by Arthur40A

F is for flower. A flower is the female and male part of a plant and where the seeds and fruits are produced.

Photo by Swami Stream

G is for grasshopper. A grasshopper is an insect that eats plants.

Photo by Dreemreeper

H is for hedge. A hedge is a type of bush, which is a plant.

Photo by Hindrik S

I is for inclined plane. An inclined plane is an object with a side tilted to a slant.

Photo by Benson Kua

J is for jaguar. A jaguar is a species of mammals that are vertebrates.

Photo by Not So Much

K is for kangaroo. A kangaroo is a vertebrate with fur.

L is for llama. Llamas are animals with backbones.

Photo by Chorazin

M is for magnet. A magnet is an object that produces a magnetic field.

Photo by Philippe Put

N is for newton. A newton is the unit in which force is measured.

O is for octopus. An octopus is a type of animal that lives underwater. They are invertebrates.

Photo by Fran Simó

P is for pistil. A pistil is the female part of a plant.

Photo by @Doug88888

Q is for quantity. Quantity is the measurement of how many.

Photo by Joybot

R is for rain. Rain is precipitation in the form of water.

S is for spring scale. A spring scale is the tool used to measure force with newtons.

Photo by Leo Reynolds

T is for thermal energy. Thermal energy is the energy of heat.

U is for unit. Units are the object/length used to measure a certain thing.

Photo by juhansonin

V is for vascular system. A vascular system is a system of tubes that travel water and food through a plant.

Photo by Tony Rodd

W is for wedge. A wedge is a sharp tool used to pull things apart.

Photo by mr.smashy

X is for xylem. Xylem is the tubes inside a plant that carry water.

Photo by Joe Edwards

Y is for yucca. Yucca is a food produced through the roots of a plant.

Photo by spiritedbebop

Z is for zebra. Zebras are a type of animal with stripes.