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Published on Nov 22, 2015

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(Dumanglas, Eugenio, Delos Reyes)


  • Plant
  • Soil
  • Moss
  • Activated Charcoal


  • Pebbles
  • Stones

Condensation starts to rise up from the soil to the plastic cover

- Day 1

Precipitation starts because water droplets lessen.

- Day 2

Condensation to Precipitation. Water droplets drop going to the plant and to soil.

- Day 3

Condensation because it's again a new water cycle.

- Day 4

What is an ecosystem?

- a biological community of interacting organisms and their physical environment.

Is ecosystem evident in the terrarium?

Yes, because it's has plant, soil, stones and pebbles to supply the life of the plant and the most important is water.

What is Water Cycle?

- the cycle of process by which water circulates between the earth's ocean, atmosphere, and land, involving precipitation as rain and snow, drainage in streams and rivers, and return to the atmosphere by evaporation and transpiration.

Is water cycle evident in the terrarium?

Yes, because when you sprinkle water to at first, it will go down to the very bottom. Then it will be warm at the bottom them it will start to evaporate then precipitate then will the process over and over again.

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Our experiences is that we enjoyed making/doing our terrarium. We cooperate to each other so that we can make our project. Each of us did our part putting the materials like plant/s, soil, moss, pebbles and stones.