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Syrian Civil War

Published on Feb 05, 2016

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In Tunisia there was a man that had just got out of college with a degree and everything but there was no jobs so he was reduced to selling fruit, but the Syrian government didn't allow it so they destroyed his fruit stand and beat him up , he then revolted against his government and set his self on fire, people got inspired to rise against their own hover net thus the Arab spring.

Photo by zetson

Bashar Al Assad, dictator of Syria came to power after the former dictator, his father died in 2000, Assad passes laws saying not allowed to protest and no free speechdas

After WW1 France and Britain the middle East and put many different religions and ethnic groups together many rights were taken away when Assad came to power. The different religions: Sunni Muslim 74%, Alowites 18% most jobs given to Alowites, and Christians 8%.

There are 3 different groups fighting in the Syrian civil war there's Assad's military, the free Syrian army ( rebels) which USA is giving me a new to, and the terrorist groups Al-Queda, ISIS, and Hezbollah is fighting against rebels because they buy weapon rm Assad.

America is giving money to the rebels they've thought about giving weapons to them but they can't tell who is who now, and USA wouldn't want to be accidentally giving weapons to terrorists.

The UN hasn't stepped in yet because when England, China, France, U.S., and Russia came together to decide if the should step in and help the rebels Russia, and China vetoed the idea to help the rebels.

Photo by isriya

China, and Russia are allies with Assad because he supplies and sells weapons to them , so they can't and won't fight against him.

A major consequence of war is death, so far 220,000-300,000 Syrians have killed, and 3 million refugees along with them.