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Steve Jobs

Published on Nov 21, 2015

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Photo by COG LOG LAB.

Steven Paul Jobs was born 1955, and was adopted at birth by Clara and Paul Jobs. Steve was taught to read before school!

He and his dad worked on electronics in his garage. In school Steve was bored. In fourth grade he was tested and graded on a sophomore level test. He went to Reed College but dropped out after 6 months.

Photo by Tojosan

Calligraphy was one class that he enjoyed and he said it influenced his interest in design and the use of elegant fonts on Apple computers.

Quote :
Bottom line is I didn't return to apple to make a fortune. I've been very lucky in my life and already have one, when I was 25 my net was worth $100 million or so. I decided then that I wasn't going to let it ruin my life.

Photo by juanpol

Steve Jobs was the co-inventor of Apple. He invented the Macintosh, iMac, MacBook, iPod,iTunes,iPhone, and the iPad.

Photo by Mylla

I did my biography on Steve Jobs because I like to use lots of inventions that he created before any other company created.

Photo by Johan Larsson

Steve Jobs died October, 5th, 2011 of complications of pancreatic cancer.