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Stations of the Cross

Published on Nov 18, 2015

The passion of Jesus




  • Jesus and the disciples gather for the Passover meal
  • In this story Jesus is presented as all knowing as he knows who will betray him
  • The bread and wine symbolize the flesh and blood of Jesus.
  • God can transform things and speak through people.
  • Humanity is shown as imperfect and unloyal even if we do not realize it and that the world is an illogical place

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  • Jesus prays to God in the garden to let his will be done without him having to die
  • The cup Jesus talks about symbolizes his devotion to God and the bond he has with him.
  • This passage tells us that God has a plan for us that may not be what we want but is what is needed.
  • Jesus shows his emotional and desperate side in this passage. Even Jesus second guesses things.
  • The story emphasizes that humans are afraid of the unknown and the fate of the world is not in our hands.

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  • Jesus is brought to the high priest after being arrested.
  • He is accused of trying to destroy the Temple; the Temple represents God'skingdom
  • God shows his power through Jesus when he answers that he is the son of God.
  • Jesus isn't afraid of powerful people and doesn't stop him from being faitful, truthful.
  • Humans get angry when someone goes against the established order of things; the world needs to be more openminded

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  • Judas returns the silver and then hangs himself.
  • The silver represents greed and desire.
  • God wants people to be aware of their sins.
  • Jesus even has followers that are not loyal and trustworthy.
  • Humans feel the need to have material goods; the world needs to value relationships more.

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  • The people choise Barabbas to be freed instead of Jesus.
  • Pilate washing his hands symbolizes that people need to be cleansed of sins.
  • God cannot control the descisions people make.
  • Jesus is seen as a threat to society.
  • Humans often exploit innocent people; The world does not run on logic.

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  • The soldiers beat and mock Jesus after he is condemned.
  • The crown of thorns represents the suffering Jesus must endure.
  • God puts us through suffering before we can realize our real purpose.
  • Jesus' humanity is shown through his suffering
  • People overstep their boundaries; The world is unfair and often violent.

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  • Jesus is nailed to the cross.
  • The cross represents the weight he has to carry for other people.
  • God gives people strength to get through things.
  • Jesus' human side makes him appear weak to other people.
  • Humans are not easily forgiving; the world has corrupt ways of dealing with things.

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  • Jesus dies on the cross.
  • The darkness and earthquake represents the world's loss.
  • God shows his power through nature.
  • Jesus doubts and questions God in the end; he feels alone.
  • It is easy to get caught up in our suffering; the world needs to accept death as a natural part of life.

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  • Jesus' body is placed in the tomb.
  • The tomb represents how Jesus' power is halted by death
  • God works with us even in death.
  • Even Jesus cannot escape death.
  • Humans only really realize the importance of a person when they die; the world needs to embrace life.

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  • Jesus is raised from the dead after three days.
  • The angels represent peace and justice.
  • God is a source of hope even in the worst situations.
  • Jesus is truly a devine being and the son of God.
  • Humans need to have more faith in God; the world has a way of working things out for the best.

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