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Published on Nov 21, 2015

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Photo by NCSSMphotos


Photo by Taiger808

Australopithecus afarensis were the first early hominids to walk on two feet in Africa, 3-4 million years ago. They used this by protecting their babies and gathering food easier.

Photo by contraquien

This affected us because we may still be walking on four feet.This lets us hold things, type, and draw all while standing up. And many more things.

Photo by Rick Bolin

Homo Erectus were the first people in Europe and Asia to use advanced stone tools1.8million-200,000 bce. They used them to skin animals and chop down trees.

If we didn't have these
we wouldn't be able to break things as easy. Now we saw trees down, mine, and build cars. But all of them are metal.

Photo by Theory

Aa were the first people to have shelters in Africa, 3-4 million years ago. They lived in caves and crude shelters. This allowed them to be dry when it rains and it serves as protection.

Photo by easegill

Now we have more advanced houses with heating, lights, and air conditioning. These are the people that started our life.


In the Neolithic age people used agriculture which is the domestication of animals and farming. They did this in all Neolithic settlements by planting stuff and using animals for things. They used sheep goats and cattle.

Now we use this to get beef easier and use these animals to get milk. We can also farm easier because they pull plows.

In the Neolithic age people traded to get lots of things they didn't have around them. If you were in a desert you might trade for wood.

Photo by szeke

Now we use trade, but in a different way. We use money. We trade to get almost everything, but we still trade more than them.

In the Neolithic age people invented occupations. Occupations are jobs of any kind. They had farmers, metal workers, slaves, and potters.

Now we have a lot more jobs than then. We have lawyers, doctors, dentists, and more! This helps keep making more and more jobs.


In Sumer, people had irrigation systems to water their fields from far away. This also created problems because it would wash away dirt and clog it up. This was bad because if it got clogged up, the
whole system would stop.

Photo by ecstaticist

Now we use these in different ways. We have hoses and sewers. Some kids build the old irrigation systems because it is fun to play in. This invention was very important.

Photo by schizoform

Sumer used a plow in their farms to make it faster to plow. They used a plow to till soil, and used horses to pull them. They put animal horns on the ends of it, and would put that into the ground.

We still use plows today. We don't have animal horns on them and they aren't pulled by horses, but we still use them. Now they are pulled by tractors. Some people probably still use horses.

Organized armies were important because they get in a lot of fights over land. Their king led them and they had trained soldiers. Some of them were not trained and only temporary. The trained people drove chariots.

Photo by rikdom

We still use the same kind of armies today! We only have one difference, kings don't lead ours, other soldiers do. Today we have nor than one force, we have army, navy and more.

All of these things have made us what we are and have devolved such a happy life for all of us.

Photo by blackTanso


Photo by Jon Ashcroft