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Somnio Preso

Cow'ference Preso


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Wade Lombard

Co-Owner, Square Cow Moovers

The Boss

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Cherrie Dale

Photo by ldandersen

Where are we today?

Growth in TRUCKS

The BIZ is my BABY

Cow Culture

20+ cultural thoughts (in no particular order)

1. When in doubt, be nice

keep killing them with kindness
look out not in
defer to others
when driving
other movers

2. This isn't just a cute shirt

literally say it, starts at the top

3. "Over-communication" is a myth

4. commit random acts of wow

be more awesome
Photo by Philerooski

5. You don't have to love our clients

but you'll do a better job if you do...
Photo by reallyboring

6. take ownership

of the client, the problem, the solution, the company
Photo by ecstaticist

7. identify the clients who need extra attention

so they stay happy...and don't sue us...
Photo by kholkute

8. hate customer service

9. Try it from the client's

Photo by seanmcgrath

10. problems are best handled

RIGHT THIS SECOND!!!!! Why are you still here?

11. old people

are old school...and that's ok.
Photo by Dietmar Temps

12.  No one notices a clean dashboard

go unnoticed...

13. choose your words

"serve", "yes", "absolutely"
Photo by mollyjolly

14.  Grow Rhino Skin

Photo by atubbs

15. What are we selling?

Photo by Eyþór

16. ask clients, movers, & supporters

"How can we serve you better?"

17. know when to fall on your sword

and when to take up for yourself
Photo by JD Hancock

18. find others that care about clients

and pick their brain...till it hurts
Photo by jronaldlee

19. It's not the BIG things

it's the small things
Photo by Jeff Hester

20. Find the dead spots

Photo by dwightsghost

Let's build it right!