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social media and mental health

Published on Jan 30, 2020

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social media and mental health

should we take kids off socal media?

we should take kids off social media because they could have a better mental life as a child.

reasons why we should

  • people who are social media to much can fall victim to social anxiety disorder.
  • SAD is a lasting mental disorder that has emotional or physical reactions that are unhealthy.
Photo by Andy Holmes

reasons why it is important to bring awareness

  • we should bring awareness because if not who knows what is happening on the other side of the screen.
  • if we don't it is possible that they will develop depresson
  • SAD is a real thing and it is a really bad thing to have to deal with.
Photo by Saffu

yeah, lots of people use social media and dont get effected, but for the people who do have anxiety it gets worse from social media with people who are always picture perfect and always uploading on those platforms can make others feel bad about themselves and they will start to wonder "why don't i look like them," then it all goes downhill from there. And i'm not saying its their fault for posting the picture, but they could say something like its not to make you feel bad or something like that

Photo by Ryan Hutton

So, yeah social media isn't all that bad, it helps you keep up with activities your friends are up to, But still if your posting things that make people feel bad for there looks or anything like that you don't know what they are dealing with behind the screen, you don't know if they will take it personally or if they have something like SAD, so don't post things to put people down.

Photo by strftime

We should take kids off social media because kids brains there still developing and going through school and dealing with stress and if social media added on to that mess, things could go downhill from there. It's like trying to add an 5000 pound rock on to a child's head. All in all, we should take kids off social media because it would make things easier on the child's brain.

Photo by Chirag Saini