Social Annotation Showcase

Published on Dec 09, 2020

An event held at UCL Social and Historical Sciences to share with colleagues the application and use of the social annotation tool Talis Elevate


Social Annotation Showcase

December 9th 2020, SHS
Photo by

Showcase to provide insights to how social annotation is being used within the Faculty

Photo by Sergey Zolkin

Social Annotation Tools

  • Allow groups of students to interact with a document
  • Increase participation
  • Motivation for reading
  • Richer conversations than in discussion forums alone
  • Peer to peer viewpoints shared
Social Annotation tools allow students to engage more proactively with the text as a group. The research has shown that they participate more fully and that they have a better understanding of the text/document. They also are able to gain insights that they may not have as the discussion are often richer and easier to follow.
Talis Elevate

In the summer (2020), the Faculty asked what tools would be useful for the next academic year and there was strong support for social annotation tools. was identified as a useful solution but for History, it was not sufficient for their needs. They bought a substantial amount of licenses for their department for Talis Elevate which is a similar tool but it works using images which is a particular requirement for primary source documents.

History of Art is due to use in Term 2 is web-based and can be accessed within Moodle (if you have a license)

Talis Elevate allows documents to be uploaded into a class and is accessed through a link.

Both are only available with licenses
Photo by Medieval Karl

Jon Chandler (History)
Eva Mol (Archaeology)

Photo by mansikka

Further information or questions?

Contact me if you are curious, or have any specific questions about or Talis Elevate

Teams: Fiona Harvey

Twitter: fionajharvey