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Slide Notes

This was created as part of my first day routines with all my Primary Science classes.

Everyone hopes for the best at the start of the school year. New teachers, new subjects, and new expectations can be daunting but don't worry there a few simple procedures we will learn from the start that will make our time together go as smoothly as possible.

First, notice how our windsurfer is controlling whether he sinks or floats, that's just like each of you - you are in control of your choices every time you come into our classroom. Wise choices will more you forward and allow you to have fun, while poor choices won't.

Second, even though there is a lot of interesting stuff to see all around him, the surfer isn't distracted, he's looking at his goal, at the place he wants to go. In our class, we can't allow ourselves or each other to get distracted from our goals. We will have our goals clearly posted and talk about them often and we will remind each other to stay focused on reaching the learning we are here for. I will help us do this when I teach and by helping students who are being distracted.

Third, our surfer isn't out on the lake with an ice cream cone in his bikini. He is prepared and has all the materials he needs to reach his goal. In our class we will need certain materials each time we are together and sometimes we will need special items. As students, you must remember all the materials you need every class and as your teacher, I must tell you clearly when you need special materials.

Finally, our surfer understands that his activity can be dangerous and he makes wise choices about safety. In our class we have special safety procedures that everyone must follow, every time so no one gets hurt and nothing gets damaged. This includes always making safe choices when we are on the internet as well as moving around the learning spaces and doing fun activities.

We will talk more about all of these things in the days and weeks to come.
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smooth sailing procedures

Published on Nov 18, 2015

First day chat


smooth sailing procedures

How we do things with Mrs.Lewis 
This was created as part of my first day routines with all my Primary Science classes.

Everyone hopes for the best at the start of the school year. New teachers, new subjects, and new expectations can be daunting but don't worry there a few simple procedures we will learn from the start that will make our time together go as smoothly as possible.

First, notice how our windsurfer is controlling whether he sinks or floats, that's just like each of you - you are in control of your choices every time you come into our classroom. Wise choices will more you forward and allow you to have fun, while poor choices won't.

Second, even though there is a lot of interesting stuff to see all around him, the surfer isn't distracted, he's looking at his goal, at the place he wants to go. In our class, we can't allow ourselves or each other to get distracted from our goals. We will have our goals clearly posted and talk about them often and we will remind each other to stay focused on reaching the learning we are here for. I will help us do this when I teach and by helping students who are being distracted.

Third, our surfer isn't out on the lake with an ice cream cone in his bikini. He is prepared and has all the materials he needs to reach his goal. In our class we will need certain materials each time we are together and sometimes we will need special items. As students, you must remember all the materials you need every class and as your teacher, I must tell you clearly when you need special materials.

Finally, our surfer understands that his activity can be dangerous and he makes wise choices about safety. In our class we have special safety procedures that everyone must follow, every time so no one gets hurt and nothing gets damaged. This includes always making safe choices when we are on the internet as well as moving around the learning spaces and doing fun activities.

We will talk more about all of these things in the days and weeks to come.

Preparing for learning

To learn the most, we must know how we come in to class and what we need.

When it's time for you to join Mrs. Lewis for class, everyone will bring all their materials with them and silently walk down the hall to stand silently in line outside our classroom. Do not touch things at the Exploration Stations while standing in line, and remain completely silent, learning is happening all around you in the pod and you do not have the right to disturb them.

When everyone has followed this procedure exactly and I am ready for your class, I will welcome the first people in line to class. At this point, you must stay in line and walk silently into our room. Go immediately to your assigned seat, put down your things and sit down and read the board. There will usually be special instructions on the board that you must follow right away. There may be something for you to do on your desk. If so, start that right away without talking. YOU START THE CLASS, MRS.LEWIS DOES NOT START THE CLASS.

Each table team will have a special person in charge of Journals. That person must put their materials on their desk and go get their team's Journals from the bin before sitting down and following the other instructions.

You will always bring your:

  • pencil case which has these things with your name on them...
  • pencil & eraser
  • pencil sharpener
  • colouring tools (no permanent markers)
  • scissors & gluestick
I will present you with your very own special pencil to apply a tape flag to once you show me you have your pencil case in class.

The school has a variety of things you can use until you can go to a dollar store with your parents and pick up your own, but please remember these things:
1. Pencil cases must zip up. NO pencil boxes that drop and spill everywhere, please.
2. The pencil sharpener should have a spot to collect all the shavings.
3. Any colouring materials (crayons, pencil crayons, gel pens, and markers) are acceptable except ones that smell, this includes those nice smelly markers as well as those stinky permanent markers which are labelled right on the marker.

Photo by Orange42

you will sometimes need...

  • your headset in its baggie (both labelled)
  • your BYOD (Bring Your Own Device)
  • any cords for your BYOD
In Technology you will ALWAYS need your headphones in their labelled baggie, but in Science class we will need these only at certain times or for certain groups.
I will post the Headset sign at the entrance to our room on the days you need to silently visit your locker and get your headphones before returning to stand silently in line.

Headphone procedures are explained for your parents in the school newsletter. Dollarama sells them if your parents need to buy you a pair. Your headphones must be labelled with your name and kept in a baggie that also has your name clearly printed on it. Headphones are to be kept in your lockers when not in use in class unless your homeroom teacher has another procedure for them.

You may bring your own device, called BYOD, to every class you have with me. Devices include any smartphone, iPod or tablet capable of internet access and using the apps we will be using in class. Devices that are only for games or only for taking pictures or videos are not allowed except on special days like Loonie for License or field trips. BYOD requires your parent's permission and the device should be labelled somehow by them. Any cords you need for charging your device throughout the day should be labelled as well and stored in your headphone bag if you don't have a case. Anyone bringing a device from home must have a lock on their locker to keep it locked up inside when not in use during class.

BYOD procedures are explained in your homeroom teacher's newsletter.
Photo by techsavvyed

you will sometimes need...

  • your headset in its baggie (both labelled)
  • your BYOD (Bring Your Own Device)
  • any cords for your BYOD
In Technology you will ALWAYS need your headphones in their labelled baggie, but in Science class we will need these only at certain times or for certain groups.
I will post the Headset sign at the entrance to our room on the days you need to silently visit your locker and get your headphones before returning to stand silently in line.

Headphone procedures are explained for your parents in the school newsletter. Dollarama sells them if your parents need to buy you a pair. Your headphones must be labelled with your name and kept in a baggie that also has your name clearly printed on it. Headphones are to be kept in your lockers when not in use in class unless your homeroom teacher has another procedure for them.

You may bring your own device, called BYOD, to every class you have with me. Devices include any smartphone, iPod or tablet capable of internet access and using the apps we will be using in class. Devices that are only for games or only for taking pictures or videos are not allowed except on special days like Loonie for License or field trips. BYOD requires your parent's permission and the device should be labelled somehow by them. Any cords you need for charging your device throughout the day should be labelled as well and stored in your headphone bag if you don't have a case. Anyone bringing a device from home must have a lock on their locker to keep it locked up inside when not in use during class.

BYOD procedures are explained in your homeroom teacher's newsletter.
Photo by techsavvyed


  • We raise our hands & wait our turn before we speak
  • We wait until after Mrs.Lewis' lesson to ask to leave our seats
  • We follow technology expectations each and every time
  • We use active listening to track the speaker with our eyes and bodies
  • We give Mrs.Lewis our immediate attention every time she asks for it
We do not want to distract others from reaching our learning goals. Therefore, everyone must stay in the classroom as much as possible and avoid calling out or wandering around so no important learning is missed.

Blurting is only allowed when I ask for something to be blurted out. When you wish to speak, raise your hand and your first finger and wait patiently for your turn. If you have a good reason to get out of your seat and Mrs. Lewis isn't teaching the class, raise your hand and your first two fingers (to make walking legs) and wait patiently to be acknowledged by Mrs.Lewis. Only when Mrs. Lewis is not talking to the entire class and only one person from a table team will be allowed to be out of their seat at a time. The best choice for washroom use is to go before class begins or to wait until class ends. If you cannot wait, do not blurt out, raise your hand and the first three fingers (making the W symbol) and wait patiently to be acknowledged by Mrs.Lewis. Make sure you're watching the teacher because I will not answer you out loud instead I will nod yes or shake my head no.

If I gave you permission to use the washroom, take the pylon from the side of the room and place it where you were working then clip the washroom pass to your sleeve. When you return put both those things back where they go.

We will be talking a lot about technology norms this year so we won't review them today.

Our ears work better when our eyes are on the speaker. We must always turn and face the speaker and track the teacher by turning our heads as she moves around the room.

Many times we will be talking to help us learn. We will talk to the teacher, to the whole class, to a partner and to a small group. During those times sometimes I will need the attention of the whole class. When this happens, I say "5 seconds to silence" and begin to count down from 5 out loud and using my fingers. Immediately when you hear or see this, raise your hand and count silently down with me. You will give me these five things in five seconds:
5 - put down anything in your hands
4 - turn to track me with your eyes
3 - stand or sit still
2 - be silent
1 - give me a thumbs up because I have your full attention

when our time is done...

  • We clean up the desktops & floor in our room before we leave
  • We follow safety rules for returning technology to its spot
  • "Show me you're ready to leave the room."
  • Mrs. Lewis dismisses the class, the bell does not
When it is time to get ready to go, you will know because I will say "Show me you're ready to leave the room". This may happen before the bell or it may not happen until after the bell. The bell is for the teacher, not the students. The teacher dismisses the class, the bell does not dismiss the class. Always wait for me to dismiss the class even if the bell has gone.

When I say "show me you're ready to leave the room" everyone will immediately begin the procedure for cleaning up the room:

All your materials will be returned to your pencil case.

Any garbage or recycling from the floor or desk tops, even if it's not yours, will be cleaned up.

The person in charge of their table teams Journals will collect them in a pile on the table when it is time to clean up.

Everyone will stow their chairs properly and stand behind their desks silently.

When table teams have done this, they will be dismissed, starting with the material manager who will return the journals to their bin. People will line up in the hallway outside our room where you line up when it's time to come in facing the way you need to go next.

When all tables are dismissed and silent in line, I will say goodbye to the people at the front of the line and you may silently walk in line to your next destination.

Photo by martinak15