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Sir Isaac Newton

Published on Nov 22, 2015

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Sir Isaac Newton

Photo by aldoaldoz

Sir Isaac Newton was a scientist and a mathematicion.

He cam up with the laws of gravity and motion.

3 Laws of Motion

He had three laws of motion. 
Photo by Leo Reynolds

1st Law

An object at rest will remain at rest unless acted on by another force.
Photo by Muhammad Ali

1st law

An object in motion will remain in motion until acted upon by another force.

2cd law

 The law says it takes more energy to move heavier things.
Photo by Swamibu

2nd Law

It also says that you need less energy to pick up a light thing.
Photo by emdot

F=MA (force equals Mass times Acceleration

The 2nd law helps us figure out how much pressure we put on an object.
Photo by __MaRiNa__

3rd Law

Newton's 3rd law states that for every action there is a reaction 

The rocket pushes off the ground and the ground pushes back.

His 3rd law means when you push an it object pushes back
Photo by jurvetson

Law of Gravity

Newton also came up with the law of gravity
Photo by Selma90

Newton's law of gravity states that there is a gravitational

force acting between any two objects in the universe

He was also a mathematician and and a scientist.

Those are just some of his many discoveries
Photo by rishibando