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This presentation is a summary of "Sharpie: A Social Media and Digital Content Case Study" by Alexandra Kogen.

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Sharpie and Social Media

Published on Sep 03, 2016

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This presentation is a summary of "Sharpie: A Social Media and Digital Content Case Study" by Alexandra Kogen.


In 2011, Sharpie introduced a new and innovative digital campaign

Photo by kevin dooley

the goals

  • increase brand awareness
  • build brand preference in an increasingly saturated market
  • develop new products

increase brand awareness - strategy

  • upload videos to YouTube that tell the brand's story
  • share blog posts on Facebook
  • Interact with DIY community via Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube
Photo by JadeXJustice

Building brand preference - strategy

  • provide content on website that is fun and educational for users
  • interact personally with users via Facebook & Twitter
Photo by JadeXJustice

develop new products - strategy

  • provide tools for users to "design your own pen based on your specific needs"
  • encourage users to upload videos describing how they use the pens on Facebook and YouTube
Photo by danmachold

call to action

  • the following year, Sharpie's Facebook page had 2,848,204 likes (now over 3.5 million) with frequent comments and shares
  • users visited mysharpie.com and shared challenges and doodles with friends
  • Sharpie's YouTube account now has over 4,000 subscribers

a successful campaign

  • Sharpie utilized social media to share the company's personal story
  • Their approach was genuine from the get-go
  • The campaign was successful because it focused on the users' wants and needs
  • Sharpie listened to its supporters and developed quality content for users to enjoy