Serving ELL, Immigrant, and International Students

Published on Feb 23, 2017

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Serving ELL, Immigrant, and International Students

A Holistic Approach
Photo by cyndygysbers

Team Central
Team Bearden
Team HVA
Team Lenior City



for the panel
Photo by niznoz

A Counselor's

KELLY NASH (School Counselor at Bearden High)

Speaks to intensive support needed to help kids reach their goals

Pedro - high achiever; work expired visa; the DE eye opener

"I'm an immigrant from Brazil; lived most of my life undocumented....biggest lesson was to never make enemies; only make friends."

Powell student who gave up.

Syrian student - very individualized; intensive.

"How are they gonna graduate?"

"Where do we put them?"
Photo by Sasquatch I

The Spanish Gal

Karen Latus
Photo by anieto2k

From Translator 2 Support

  • Bilingual Bulldogs (acculturation)
  • co-taught skinny course (8 languages)
  • narrative stories & gallery walk of social-bio books ("participatory defense")
  • The Interview Assignment
  • UTK Library partnership: College Guides

KAREN LATUS - Spanish Teacher at Bearden High; health center clinician; KCS High School Teacher of the Year

Began getting called down to guidance to translate for new students

Saw need to address acculturation issues & need to create a safe place fore students

Intention with BB: native language literacy; maintaining native culture is predictor for social/emotional wellness

The Interview assignment

"Participatory Defense" (social-bio book & gallery walk)
Photo by mhaithaca

The Math Guy

Andrew Turner
ANDREW TURNER - math teacher, Central High

"this is an ELL kid - you have to modify"

The miracle 70% Alg 1 EOC
Reflection - "What did I really do to help that kid?"

Choosing between ELL or non-ELL (stagnation?)
Teacher resistance -
can be just like kids "This is stupid!" - work on attitude before teaching math (or ELL strategies)

"My concept of mastery has changed." "What goal am I setting for them and what can I hold them accountable?"

"broad coverage vs critical skills"

"does a credit = master of content?"
Photo by Gunjan Karun

The ELL Lady

Darlene Davenport

DARLENE DAVENPORT - ELL Instructor, Central High

You were the "go to" high school ELL person in the district, what interested you in joining the Central program?

Working with leaders who were willing to change the system.

"It was a willingness of people to create a model that works; large-scale collaboration."

Multiple conversations going on at the same time - the creation of the SIFE program


with a little nudge from counselors....
MICHAEL REYNOLDS, Principal, Central High
TERRY SHARP, School Counselor, Central High

This is when Terry Sharp said, "This isn't fair!"

SIFE - gives them time to adjust to the culture;

Staff culture/buy in
Shared vision (ELL art TY's)

Fostering "all on the same team" mentality

ELL students walking into the Principal's office with a request...
Photo by mikecogh

The Wallstreet Guy

Diego Contreras
DIEGO CONTRARAS, School Counselor, Hardin Valley Acad.

Building-wide Multi-cultural awareness

The Learning Ctr Mission - peer tutor support for students who struggled in courses

"It started with where can I put them?" they landed in the LCtr

The tutors' Q's: "What is their story?"

The ELL kids: "Please explain why my brother has more math skills."

"Lost In Translation" piece

Video for teacher in-service/orientation

and Beyond!

from Counselors' desks
Collaboration is key

What inspired you today?

What's one idea will you take back?
Photo by tinkiak

Bev Anderson

Haiku Deck Pro User