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Sendai, Japan Earthquake

Published on Nov 22, 2015

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Sendai, Japan Earthquake

A Terrible Natural Disaster.
Photo by J. Tewell

Facts About The Sendai Earthquake

  • A magnitude of 9.0
  • It happened on March 11, 2011
  • The epicenter was 130 east of Sendai, and 373
  • kilometers northeast of Tokyo.
  • The time that this occurred on was 2:46 p.m. local time.
Photo by Feans


The Sendai earthquake was one of the most deadliest earthquakes in history. It had a magnitude of 9.0 and it occurred on a subduction zone plate boundary. Most of the destruction happened east of the city of Sendai on the pacific coast of northeastern Japan and set off a tsunami that swept some coastal villages out to sea and caused major damage along the coast. The magnitude 9.0 earthquake can cause total destruction, damage all buildings and death tolls are over 15,000. There were about 900 aftershocks after the earthquake and most of them were around 5.9 to 7.9.


I think that the people who experienced the earthquake were worried about their loved ones and in their heads they were asking questions like how they were, where they were, were they safe etc. Some of the emotions that would describe how they felt were confused, worried, and desperate for help. The earthquake changed the people's daily lives because it destroyed their home, their job( building ), and now everything was different, for example people suffering, dying, etc.

About the damage in sendai, japan

Photo by Tex Texin

The area that were impacted the most because of the earthquake was northeastern coast of Honshu and another region that was affected by the earthquake and the tsunami was the Tohoku region. All the buildings were damaged and washed away but some of the ways the buildings were damaged and were not safe because the chimneys fell, the wall cracked, the windows broke and the ground cracked. Some of the changes that occurred to the earth's surface after the earthquake were the seafloor was lifted 30 ft. Also, the repair costs for the earthquake and the tsunami was over $100B USD.

Photo by stroud4341

Aid and recovery

The were 116 countries and 28 international organizations that offered to help Japan when it was suffering and that is a lot of countries that wanted to help. Japan also got ready to rebuild after 11 months of rebuilding the city now looks normal. I think that you could consider all the 116 countries that stepped in to help warriors because when Japan needed it the most they reached out to lend their helping hand.

Photo by Horia Varlan