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scottsboro project

Published on Nov 18, 2015

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Scottsboro trial vs tkam trial

Photo by OZinOH

The two trials of the Scottsboro boys and TKAM Tom Robinson are very similar with unique differences as well in many ways. As simple human issues go against them

Photo by VinothChandar

Scottsboro Boys

  • Nine African American boys were convicted of raping two women
  • The site of the crime was on a south going train
  • With race being a factor in an all white jury,all 9 were convicted
  • 8 of the boys were sentenced to be executed
  • The lawyer/ defendent was Samuel Leibowitz


  • Tom Robinson was convicted of raping Mayella Ewell daughter of Mr.Ewell
  • When Mr. Ewell was on the way home he heard screaming coming from the house
  • Many believe he is guilty due to an all white jury making an unfair trial because of descrimination
  • Atticus Finch is the Lawyer of Mr. Robinson
  • Atticus is in a situation where all of the odds are against him and Mr. Robinson
Photo by damiandude

Social Issues

There were many disagreements in society on how someone should be. There was a "standard" that people thought there was even though there really wasn't. Prejudice and racism was a big problem at this time.

History/ Background

During the time periods of each of the trials, there was the Great Depression, racial justice issues going on at the time. WWII was near, and people were not happy. There were many problems with the actions of society as well. People were stereotyping and acting prejudice towards one another.

Similarities between the Trials

Both were thought guilty by people from the start. Both of the trials had a racial factor involved. Both were in the southern region. Both of the trials occurred during the great depression. These similarities match almost exactly in relation with each other.

Photo by Hindrik S

Differences between the Trials

As there were many similarities, there were also differences in the trials. There were nine people involved in the Scottsboro case compared to the one in TKAM. Along with that the scenes of the crimes were different as one was in a house, while the other was on a train. These differences make these trials unique.

Photo by OO7fish

The change that needed to happen

If there was one thing we could change, it would be the unfair juries in the trials. The juries were unfair due to racism and connections to the prosecutors. In this case the outcome was almost certain because of that. As both trials were founded guilty, many citizens questioned the fair trial.

Photo by Irish Typepad

Conclusion to the Defense

Our group recommended to the defense that the scenes of the crimes need to have true evidence to prove guilty before jumping to a jury to make an unfair decision based on the evidence that was missing. Due to that the trial was clearly unfair.

Photo by justmakeit

Works Cited

"EOA Links." Encyclopedia of Alabama: Scottsboro Trials. N.p., n.d. Web. 13 Apr. 2014.

"Scottsboro Boys, Trial and Defense Campaign (1931–1937) | The Black Past: Remembered and Reclaimed." Scottsboro Boys, Trial and Defense Campaign (1931–1937) | The Black Past: Remembered and Reclaimed. N.p., n.d. Web. 14 Apr. 2014.

PBS. PBS, n.d. Web. 14 Apr.