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Published on Nov 20, 2015

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By Joseph Heath 
Photo by kevin dooley

What is a satellite?

A satellite is an artificial body placed in orbit round the earth or another planet in order to collect information or for communication

Photo by jaci XIII

What is a Geostationary Satellite?

Geostationary satellites orbit the equator at the same rate the earth spins, once per day. They orbit at a distance of 35,900 km above an (almost) fixed spot above the Equator on the earth's surface.

How do Satellites get into space?

A satellite is sent into space on top of a rocket. When a satellite is put into space, we say that it is “launched.”

The rocket that is used to launch a satellite is called a “launch vehicle.” Below are pictures of some launch vehicles currently used to put satellites into space.

Photo by luc.viatour

how many satellites are there in space?

Currently there are approximately 2,465 artificial satellites orbiting the Earth
Photo by gainesp2003