Rosa Parks

Published on Sep 30, 2018

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Rosa Parks

How is the story being told?

What do you know about the Rosa Parks Story?

Book by Douglas Brinkley

“..That changed when Rosa Louise Parks, a prim, bespectacled, forty-two-year old mulatto seamstress, made history by refusing to give up her seat on the Cleveland Avenue bus to a white man (p 2.)”

“Park’s fearless act of civil disobedience in 1955—her emphatic refusal to budge, on principle—gave credence to novelist Ralph Ellison’s claim that after three hundred years of white domination, African Americans had learned they could take the “headwhipping” and still maintain their dignity no matter how brutal the blows (p. 4).”

Brinkley, Douglas (2000) Rosa Parks, Viking Press, New York

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Even with that blue-black wing pressed at Rosa’s nose.

Even with the bus driver’s finger waving at Rosa. Even with Jim Crow’s peck, peck, peck

Sounding like rust on a bedspring. Rosa stayed seated.”

Pinkney, Andrea David; illustrations Pinkney, B (2008) Boycott Blues: How Rosa Parks inspired a Nation, Greenwillow Books, New York.

“Mrs. Parks stood to let him out, looked at James Blake, the bus driver, and then sat back down.”

“She sighed as she realized she was tired. Not tired from work but tired of putting white people first. Tired of stepping off sidewalks to let white people pass, tired of eating at separate lunch counters and learning at separate schools.”

Photo by cole24_

She was tired of “Colored” entrances, “Colored” balconies, “Colored” drinking fountains, and “Colored” taxis. She was tired of getting somewhere first and being waited on last. Tired of “separate, and definitely tired of “not equal.”

Giovanni, Nikki; illustrated by Collier, B (2005). Rosa, Henry Holt and Company, New York.

Photo by kriddick1908

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The city of Montgomery had given its bus drivers certain police powers. The driver, James Blake, carried a gun and could arrest Parks. But Parks was tired of being pushed around. She was tired of being treated like a second-class citizen. The city code said she could keep her seat if no others were available. When the driver asked Parks if she was going to stand up, she , “No. I am not (p. 29).”

Butler-Taylor, C (2015) A True Book: Rosa Parks, Scholastic, New York.

Photo by Robby Mueller

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“When I look back now, I think Rosa Parks was the right person to represent that movement at that time. She was a good and strong person, accepted by more people than were ready to accept me. But I made a personal statement, too, one that she didn’t make and probably couldn’t have made. Mine was the first cry for justice, and a loud one. I made it so that our own adult leaders couldn’t just be nice anymore.

Back then, as a teenager, I kept thinking. Why don’t the adults around here just say something? Say it so they know we don’t accept segregation? I knew then and I know now that, when it comes to justice, there is no easy way to get it. You can’t sugarcoat it. You have to take a stand and say, “This is not right.”

And I did (p. 104).”

Hoose, Philip (2009) Claudette Colvin: Twice Toward Justice, Farrar Straus Giroux, New York

Using multiple texts in a single unit has another
benefit: students are introduced to multiple perspectives
on a topic rather than being limited to
the single view presented in any one text. According
to Tunnell & Ammon (1996), multiple perspectives
are “fundamental to good history
teaching” (p. 212). I would extend this point to
mean that when all studies—...
affect our lives today?--Laura Robb


these questions:
• What really occurred?
• Are there other solutions?
• What do primary sources say?
• Is the author changing events and why?
• Did the author omit some events? Why?
• What’s the author’s agenda?
• Why were specific decisions made?
• Did others suggest different ways of dealing
with issues?
• Why were alternate solutions abandoned?
• How did past decisions/discoveries/inventions
affect our lives today? (Laura Robb)

Kevin Cordi

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