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Roger Sherman

Published on Dec 25, 2015

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Roger Sherman

By: Basham & Emma-Lee
Photo by peterjr1961

Roger Sherman was born April 19th, 1721 and died July 23rd, 1793.

He was an early American lawyer as well as a founding father of the United States.

He was the first mayor of New Haven, Connecticut.

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  • He was on the committee of 5 that drafted the Declaration of Independence.
  • He was the only one to sign all four great state papers of the U.S.

the four papers

  • Continental Association
  • Declaration of Independence
  • Article of Confederation
  • The Constitution

He was born in Newton Massachusetts, but moved to Stoughton Massachusetts when he was two years old.

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  • He did not have much of an education.
  • He educated himself by using his fathers library and he had a tutor who graduated from Harvard.
Photo by DeathByBokeh

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  • His dad died in 1743.
  • After his dad died, his mother and all of his siblings travelled to New Milford Connecticut.
  • Roger and his brother quickly opened a store, and Roger quickly became a high member of society. He eventually became the county surveyor of New Haven,

Even though he did have a formal education, he was urged to become a lawyer, and joined the Bar of Litchfield Connecticut.

Photo by Wesley Fryer

Roger held various positions in law before becoming a professor of religion at Yale.

He was appointed Justice of Peace in 1762.

Photo by Scott*

Sherman served as Justice of the Superior Court of Connecticut from 1766 to 1789. He left to become a member of the United States Constitution.

Roger Sherman was one of the most influential members of The Constitutional Convention because he created the Great Compromise!


Photo by sDanOoO

🌚He never kept a personal record of his experience.
🌝Sherman was the second eldest member at the convention following Benjamin Franklin.
🌞His opponent was James Maddison.

The End

Photo by Ben McLeod