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Residential Schools

Published on Nov 27, 2015

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Residential schools were a network of boarding schools across Canada. They were funded by the Canadian government's department of Indian affaires and ran by Christian, Catholic and Anglican churches. The goal of these schools was to evangelize and assimilate the aboriginal children. The schools started in 1886 and the last one closed in 1996.

By assimilating the children you're taking away their language and their culture and they did that by only speaking in English or in French to them and by making them completely give up their own religions to go to a church and have to learn and follow a new one. My opinion is that the government had no right funding these schools and the churches had no right in doing what they did to the children.

Photo by -Reji

Some long term effects of these schools on the survivors would be anxiety, trust issues, separation anxiety, and hatred. Some effects on the decedents and on the community's could be hatred and disgust for Canadians for allowing residential schools to happen.

Photo by atomicshark

Both the churches and the government have apologized for the residential schools but in my eyes no apology will ever be good enough to "make" for what happened in the schools; nothing will ever be enough to make up for the lives and families that were ruined by these schools and nothing will ever make up for the lives lost. The churches and government will never be able to make it up to the aboriginal peoples.

I don't think there is anything that Canadians can or should do because it wasn't our choice to implement these schools, that blame falls on the churches and government. That doesn't mean we as Canadians should ignore what happened it just means that not all of Canada agreed with these schools so not all of Canada must do something about it.