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Reproductive Diseases

Published on Mar 22, 2016

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  • Akabane Virus Infection
  • Pestivirus Disease
  • Bluetonge Disease
  • Listeriosis Disease
  • Wesselsbron Virus

Akabane virus infection is an insect transmitted diseases that causes tremors, ataxia, lameness, paralysis, hypersensitivity, and opisthotonos. Postnatal animals suffer from abortions, stillbirths, premature births, and birth complications. It can be diagnosed with encephalomyelitis and can be treated with vaccinations, change of herd management, and by using disinfections.

Pestivirus symptoms are abortion, diarrhea and respiratory disease, swollen teats, fever, and conjunctivitis. Though won't show signs of illness and can only be specifically treated.

Bluetongue is one of the most recognized infectious viral disease that affects ruminants. The symptoms are fever, excessive salvation, depression difficulty breathing, bluish coloration of swollen tongue, and nasal discharge. It can cause embryonic deaths, abortions, malformed fetal calves and lambs, infertility, and semen shedding of virus. Sadly recent vaccination was said to cause abortion and acute death.

Listeriosis is an irregular bacterial infection that has been seen to affect many species of animals. The symptoms are brain inflammation, blood poisoning, depression, loss of appetite, lack of coordination, fecal paralysis, circling, abortion, and mastitis in cows. It can only be diagnosed by clinical examination, though can be treated with antibiotic treatment.

Wesselsborn is an acute disease many affecting sheep, cattle, and goats. Symptoms are neurological defects that cause abortions, and amnii amniotic (too much liquid in amniotic cavity). In new borns it causes fever, anorexia, weakness and increased respiratory rate. These animals have a 30% death rate and can only be diagnosed by isolation with a virus neutralization. Tragically, there isn't any specific treatment that curses disease but is symptomatic.