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Slide Notes

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Published on Nov 30, 2022

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  • Relevance is the concept of weither or not a topic we learn in school will be relevant in life.


  • Boredom is the concept of not being challenged in your task


  • Procrastination is putting things off until you are forced to do them by necessity


  • Listening is to fully take in the information that is being taught or give

Why these are important

  • These concepts are important in that they keep us back or help us move forward when indulged or resiste

How do you break from negative behaviors list

  • Irrelevance, boredom, and procrastination can be solved with one trick that i do. They can be broken by forcing yourself not to indulge until it becomes second nature.If they cannot be resisted than find a productive way to indulge them, like working for 5 minutes then watch a 2 minutes of a show or video.