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Reiger Syndrome

Published on Nov 22, 2016

Slideshow about Rieger Syndrome and its treatments, symptoms, etc.


Rieger Syndrome

Katlin Sannan and Lacy Walerius
Photo by VinothChandar

What is it?

  • Under-developed or missing teeth
  • Mild craniofacial abnormalities
  • Various abnormalities of the eye
Photo by Will Montague

How Common is it?

  • Rieger syndrome is a rare disorder that affects males and females in about equal numbers.

How is it Inherited?

  • Autosomal Dominant pattern
  • 2 forms: Type 1 & Type 2
Photo by M Pinarci

Chromosomes Affected

  • Type 1 occurs on Chromosome 4: PITX
  • Type 2 occurs on Chromosome 13: not identifie
Photo by David Ascher

Untitled Slide


  • Corectopia & Polycoria
  • Hypertelorism
  • Abnormal Facial Features
Photo by Windgeist

Prominent Forehead

Main Symptom: Glaucoma

  • Increased pressure within eyeball
  • Lead to blindness

How are they related?

  • Defects in the angle of the eye
  • The corner of the eye
  • Adhesions associated with Rieger syndrome
Photo by Pulpolux !!!


  • Therapy is one of the main treatments.


  • Drug therapy is the primary treatment for glaucoma, usually consisting of eye drops.
  • Laser Surgery if the the pressure in the eye is not relieved by medications: Last resort
  • Prosthesis
Photo by solofotones

Interesting Facts

  • There are many organizations that are trying to help people with Rieger Syndrome even though it is rare
  • Many symptoms have sometimes occurred in association with Rieger syndrome but researchers can't agree as to whether they are separate entities or part of Rieger syndrome itself
Photo by Poe Tatum

More Interesting Facts

  • The chance of getting this syndrome is 1 in 200,000
  • There are 8 clinical trials
Photo by Lucy Nieto

The following disorders share similarities with Rieger syndrome:

Photo by [Adam Baker]

Axenfeld-Rieger anomaly

Axenfeld-Rieger anomaly

  • It's primarily a eye disorder but it can affect other parts of the body
  • the colored part of the eye (the iris), may be thin or poorly developed
  • This condition can also cause abnormalities of the cornea, which is the clear front covering of the eye.

Cataract-dental syndrome

Cataract-dental syndrome

  • It as well is a rare genetic disorder that can be seen at birth.
  • It is also known as Nance-Horan Syndrome
  • Abnormalities of the teeth and clouding of the lens of the eyes
  • Which results in poor vision
Photo by Rakesh JV