...TO Finish
- 1752 Pennsylvania Hospital
- 1918 1st Nat. Rec Conference
- 1942 ARS Formed
- 1948 ARS Hospital Rec Section
- 1984 ATRA Established
- 1971 NTRS & Joint Commission
- 1982 Utah Licensure
1752 Benjamin Franklin petitions for the establishment of the Pennsylvania Hospital and Benjamin Rush, M.D. advocates “certain kinds of labor, exercise, and amusements be contrived for [patients], which should act for the same time, upon their bodies and minds.” Thus the first welcome of recreation into the modern hospital setting.
1918 First National Recreation Congress is held.
1942 American Recreation Society formed
1948 American Recreation Society, Hospital Recreation Section formed
1971 NTRS Standards of Psychiatric Facilities, which were later incorporated into the Joint Commission Accreditation Manual for Psychiatric Facilities
1982 Utah Title 58 Recreational Therapy Practice Act requiring licensing in that state.
Mental Health has come a long way since paying to view the mentally ill and developmentally or physically disabled in cells…
1984 American Therapeutic Recreation Association Established