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Reconstruction vocabulary notes

Published on Nov 18, 2015

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By:Jeremiah Lee , Shayle workman , Ana Theilen


Reconstructing of government and political parties


Supported a harsher form of reconstruction for the south then Lincoln planed for.

Freedmen's Bureau

An agency that helped African Americans get education and jobs.

Union Leagues

Helped Slaves Vote

Share Croppers

People who worked on a piece of land owed by some one else.

Carpet Baggers

Describes the northerner s who attempt a 40 gain political office are economic advantages in the south.


Was given by southern democrats to fellow white southern s who had become republican and supported reconstruction after civil war.

Black Codes

Took away African American rights

Ku klux klan

Group of white people that terrorized African Americans after civil war

13th amendment

Made slavery illegal ; passed in 1869

14th Amendment

Gave citizen ship and protected African Americans

15th amendment

Gave the right to vote to all men no matter the passed ; But didn't for women in 1869

Sc Constitution of 1868

Sc was forced to write new constitution but it didn't protect African Americans

The election of 1876

Was surrounded by violence and brought about the end of reconstruction.

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